Our hot_backup script performs a 'alter system archive log all' as the last step in the script. So the backup of the datafiles occurs before we force the log to archive. After running the script I have the following archived log sequence
15:04 arch_1_787.arc. Since the dbfs were backedup before the archive will 787 be the first archived log sequence I need for a restore or application to a standby? Thanks.
Might be the one before.
Do an "alter system switch logfile;" at the end of your
script in order to be sure.
- Magnus
Thanks Magnus. Actually we issue the alter system switch logfile command right before we archive log all so that means 787 is the one I want to start with right? Thxs.
Does "archive log all" send all your redo logs to archive?
Seems like you are doing the same thing twice. Or am I mistaken?
The answer to your question would be yes.
Also, before you use "archive log all" you could do a query like:
select sequence#,
from v$log
where status = 'CURRENT';
---------- ----------------
that way you see exactly what sequence number just got archived.
- Magnus
our consultant wrote the hot_backup script for us. He ends the script with the following commands:
connect internal;
alter system switch logfile;
archive log all;
spool off
I thought that the switch would switch which the redo log the LGWR is writing to which may not cause an the inactive log to archive. Therefore the archive log statement would be needed to force the archive. Although, you may be right b/c we get an error messages that there are no logs that need archiving when we run the backup.
Ah... Magnus I just absorbed what you were saying. by using 'all' there is no need to switch to the next redo log. All 3 will be archived we current or inactive. Thx for the help.
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