It seems that if any oracle stored procedure input variable has a string value with more than 250 characters(declared as varchar2), the problem occurs. It doesn't matter what characters are in the string.
- Our server "APP" where we have our application is NT service pak 4, odbc version 3.510.3711.
Oracle ODBC driver version on this machine is dated 1/4/00. We have same Oracle ODBC drivers on all our client test machines here.
- Oracle Server "PROD" where we have Oracle test databases is NT service pak 4 and has Oracle 8 release and all our client test machines have the same version of oracle client installed.
This server has a Oracle ODBC driver dated 4/1/99.
This works fine if you use SQL worksheet to execute procedure. If I use ODBC test 32 which our application uses it locks up both servers (APP and PROD).
HAs anyone observed this ? Whats the solution ? We can't restrict number of characters to less than 250 in all our procedures.
Also these are the characters ODBC driver wouldn't take and will return error saying "Syntax error or access violation"
~ ` @ ! ^ [ ] { } \ $ #
But atleast 2nd one doesn't lock anything and will raise error.
Even though I want to solve 2nd problem too the 1st one where more than 250 charaters locking everything is critical for me at this point.
Thanks for all help
Here is a call that I was testing...
CALL pr_documentlinkadd ('VRZ_CUSTDOC_MAR01', 'DOC', 'ttt', 'HERE IS THE NEXT STRING TO USE. THIS WAS NOT COPIED FROM WORD. LET US SEE IF WE have a problem with this. I will type until 409 characters just to see what happens. do you think that is it? do you want to make a wager? a small one? now we are at 250 characters. just 150 more. abcedrf dkf ;as ya knee znaiu. ya ne ponimaiu. kak vwee pajivayetya?now just 50 more. here we go. almost up to the end of the line.', 10, 2, 34, 10, 119, 34, '21-Mar-2001');
Is there a limit on total number of characters in a procedure call ????
Can some one help me with this, please ???
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