I am trying to create a query that will return two specific records first and then follow them by the rest of the records that match the query. For example:
select acno from rcb_acct
where acno in ('555555666666666','333333333333333')
and lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by acno
select acno from rcb_acct
where lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by acno
I want the first two records that match my first select statement and then the rest that match the second selec statement. The problem I am having with the above query is that it doesn't like the order by clause. I need the results of each query sorted seperately. Is there a way I could run two queries and concatenate the results together?
try this
take off the order by clause and see what you get.
- Magnus
you can try this
select acno from rcb_acct
where lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by
decode(acno ,
'333333333333333','2',acno) ;
assuming acno is always greater than '1','2' so that default value from decode is the acno and will be ordered after '1' and '2'.
if you want to sort by two groups of union, try this
select acno,1 ordering from rcb_acct
where acno in ('555555666666666','333333333333333')
and lgon_pref = 'MYN'
select acno,2 ordering from rcb_acct
where lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by ordering, acno
try this
select acno , 1 as ord
from rcb_acct
where acno in ('555555666666666','333333333333333')
and lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by acno , ord
select acno, 2 as ord
from rcb_acct
where lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by acno , ord
sorry wrong order by statement
the sql should read
select acno , 1 as ord
from rcb_acct
where acno in ('555555666666666','333333333333333')
and lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by ord, acno
select acno, 2 as ord
from rcb_acct
where lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by ord, acno
ORDER BY cannot be used in the sql statement of a UNION.
It can be used only after the UNION, hence only one ORDER BY is allowed.
Complicating a little too much...
I hope this will solve your problem.
DECODE(acno,'555555666666666',1,'333333333333333',2,3) sort_order, acno
FROM rcb_acct
WHERE lgon_pref = 'MYN'
ORDER BY sort_order, acno
select acno from rcb_acct
where acno in ('555555666666666','333333333333333')
and lgon_pref = 'MYN'
-- removed order by clause from here; now it will work
select acno from rcb_acct
where lgon_pref = 'MYN'
order by acno
Pls. check.
P. Soni
I just noticed this is the same query that I solved under a different title. Please try to keep the questions consolidated into a single post.
- Chris
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