Hi everyone,
I have a production and testing database in remote site. I have a development database here. I should mirror the changes to the testing database at the remote site. What should i do to implement that.
Do you have loads of data? If not just use imp/exp unless you test database has to be exactly the same the production...?
Here we have three databases as well, one production one pre-production and one development. Exp/Imp works very good for me. Basically I *syncronize* the pre-production and development with production once a week...
If you have lots of data and you need the testing database exactly the same as production you probably better go for standard replication which replicate one way only
Thanks for ur suggestion pando,
But the production and testing databases are not here as in ur case. They are at a remote site. I cant be updating the testing databases as soon as there are any changes in the development databases. I am new to mirroring. Kindly advice on that. I have not done mirroring in the past. Help me out please.
have you got loads of data...?
what paltform you are? if you are in UNIX I dont see the problem of doing imp/exp in remote sites...
The platforms are Unix and NT. Basically i am into Data center movement. Please give me guidelines on what all i should concentrate.
Well if NT is involved I dont have a clue. Unless you can use PcAnywhere and login to the NT machine remotely and do imp/exp there otherwise I dont have a clue how you can do imp/exp remotely with NT
But as I asked do you need to sincronize both database at real time....? Or it does not matter if they have some differences, like me I can allow one week lagging from one database to another
How much data you have in your tables, If you have less data
use copy command from sql. Really it works well.
Yes Pando,
I think so. I have not entered into that. But the company is planning to move the datacenter. So kindly advice me. I think the major part of the Oralce databases will be in Sun Solaris.
production and test database will be in data center
development will be in your shop
am I correct here?
And you have to sincronize test and production at real time? (I dont see much point if one is test only) If they have to be real time then your only choice would be replication but then again I think it's pretty stupid replicate two database in same building.
Anyway what do you guys do with test database? You guys using the application from your shop and connect to test database and insert data delete data etc? I think the main point of having a test database is testing application's functionality and not to see the real time data and that's why i said it's a bit stupid sincronize these database in real time, I mean you can still test the application with let's say 10 rows in a table, you still get the same result if there were 10 or 100000 rows... Do you see my point
Yes Pando i understand that. I have not gone into this project. I think the company needs the entire application to be mirrored including the database part so that it the test database acts as a fail over site for the production. I am sorry that i am not able to give u the full information.
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