Inc ase i want to check out teh presence of two columns in a table how do i do that .
select (ordernum,date ) from table_name A where (order_num,date) in (Select (order_num,date) from table_name B.
Gives me an error
if I write
select (ordernum,date ) from table_name A where exists (Select (ordernum,date ) from table_name B) gives me all orders and treats order_num and date as seperate columsn .
Please help
To do it interactively from SQL*PLUS:
desc my_table;
To do it in code:
set serveroutput on
declare x number;
select count(*) into x from dba_tab_columns where table_name = 'My_Table_Name' and (column_name = 'ORDER_NUM' or column_name='DATE');
If the number output by X is the same as the number of columns you listed in the where clause above, they all exist. If X is less than the number of columns you listed, some of them don't exist.
Note: I used dbms_output.put_line solely to display the output for your use in SQL*PLUS. You could use this code in a procedure and test X with code rather than displaying it. Use capitals when searching the data dictionary for objects by name.
Is this what you wanted?
Thanks for your reply
What I actually wanted was finding out the select using IN or EXIST of two columns together .
eg. Select (a,b) from table where a,b in (select a,b from table B .
What is the syntax of this
Hi Kmesser,
There is a possibility it will give the wrong output.
1.You have to mention the owner,as dba_tab_columns holds for all the users, if the same table exists in two users you will get the output different than what you expect
You're exactly correct. Thanks.
I appears as though the solution will be dynamic SQL, given puneet's most recent response . . .
The table name is not same but I want an IN clause or and EXIST for checking out two columns simultaneously together.
Select a,b from table A where a,b in (select a,b from table b)
Rather than describe how you want to do it, please provide more detail of the functionality you seek. Do you, for example want code that will:
1. Look up data values in one table based upon those values existing in another table?
2. Check the data dictionary to determine if columns exist in a table, and select the values in those columns if they do exist?
3. Something else?
Please elaborate.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by puneet [/i]
The table name is not same but I want an IN clause or and EXIST for checking out two columns simultaneously together.
Select a,b from table A where a,b in (select a,b from table b)
puneet, it's not very clear. Do you want to select columns a & b from table A when the values are equal in both tables? If that's the case, try to separate IN statements by a logical condition:
select a,b
from A
where a in (select a from B)
and b in (select b from B);
From the performance point, it couldn't be the best way to treat the question (if depends on your table's nature).
Thanks guys
for the help . Got it finally
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