Good morning,
I randomly receive ORA-12514 errors on several scheduled tasks.
There are no errors in the listener log files listener.log and og.xml.
There are no errors in the alertlog and trace files.
The hostname is correctly configured in the file listener.ora.
The ping responds correctly with the hostname .
The lsnrctl services command responds correctly.
There are several cases in which the ORA-12514 error occurs
1) the database listener is not reachable due to errors in the configuration --> this is not the case
2) the database listener is temporarily unavailable for some reason --> case to be checked
3) there is no match with the service name --> this is not the case
4) the database is restarted --> this is not the case
5) the switch is made to the standby database --> this is not the case
6) when using a database link --> this is not the case
What else could I check?
Thanks in advance
I think I have identified the reason for the error.
In the tnsname.ora files of the clients, the following parameters are set (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=1) and (TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=1).
Should I also add the RETRY_COUNT parameter? For example (RETRY_COUNT=3) ?
 Originally Posted by Yuri
I think I have identified the reason for the error.
In the tnsname.ora files of the clients, the following parameters are set (CONNECT_TIMEOUT=1) and (TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=1).
Should I also add the RETRY_COUNT parameter? For example (RETRY_COUNT=3) ?
problem solved by inserting
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