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Thread: ORACLE 19c Client install on Windows 2012R2

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    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    ORACLE 19c Client install on Windows 2012R2

    Hi, I'm new to ORACLE

    I'm trying to install 32 and 64 bit clients onto a Windows 2012R2 server.

    I am using the ORACLE_HOME client for both installations.

    The 32 bit client installs OK into a folder called c:\ORACLE2 but when i try to install the 64 bit client into c:\ORACLE i get a Java Platform SE binary error

    I tried to resolve this using the expanded setup command suggested by ORACLE

    setup.exe -j-XX:CompileCommand=exclude,java/lang/StringBuilder.append -j-XX:CompileCommand=exclude,java/lang/AbstractStringBuilder.append

    but this did not resolve the issue.

    I have attached the error message recieved.

    does anyone have any advice/suggestions?


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