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Thread: visualize awr

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    visualize awr


    Can anyone suggest some handy tool for AWR analysis?
    What I mean is It's quite easy to generate a report for a given day. But what if one wants to see how the system behaved inside this period of time? Generating a report for every hour and comparing them would take a lot of time.
    Are there any tools which can automate such operation?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    There are some charts available in OEM. Personally I don't like to use it though for performance analysis. It's more an administration tool.
    I've seen in my career some enterprise solution to ease maintenance of large number of Oracle databases which had features like this. The problem is that this is rather large investment. They cost tons of money and make sense only for huge corporations.

    There are some free tools available.
    There is this perfsheet tool. Personally I don't get why someone has put so much effort to create a tool of this kind in Excel, but who am I to judge
    There's also something called database doctor.

    Google for "how to visualize awr".


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