Iam using window NT server, I have a ORACLE DB(8.1.6), In the same machine I have installed D2K 6.0, The DB is Fine in working, the problem is when I connect to D2K, It asks for a username, passord and DB, I have configured the TNSNAMES.ora of D2K home to connect to DB. When I give the username,password and Database name, It show as error ORA-12705: invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified
Can anyone help me is solving the problem, Its very urgent
thanks in advance
Go go registry and first check for Actual Oracle RDBMS home NLS_LANG parameter entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/oracle/Homex where homex is your rdbms home.
Do the same and check for D2K Home.
These two should match, If not change D2K NLS_LANG parameter. Be careful while playing with registry. If you are not sure. Make a copy of registr by exporting it to local drive and then modify.
This is what on my desktop. I don't know what you guys use in Singapore. Whatever thats on your machine.
Make sure your listener is up and running.
you can verify if its running by executing the command
"tnsping D2KINST" where d2kinst is the
name of your instance, as defined in your listener file
and if it is unsuccessful you have a problem with your listener.
I don't know the name of the executable on NT but
locate the lsnrctl and execute it to start your listener(s).
Just a thought!
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