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Thread: How to backup AUXILIARY database (done by duplication)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    How to backup AUXILIARY database (done by duplication)

    Hi guys,

    I was able to duplicate (via active or backup-base) from target to auxiliary.

    Now I run into 3 "issues" and can't help wondering if they are suppose to be like that. See below.

    1. After auxiliary db (wamsdup) is duplicated, I connected the auxiliary db to RMAN utility:
    rman target / catalog rman/rman@catd

    [COLOR="red"]When doing list incarnation, it shows the incarnation of the TARGET database from which it was duplicated:

    connected to target database: WAMSDUP (DBID=4099367134)
    connected to recovery catalog database

    RMAN> list incarnation;

    List of Database Incarnations
    DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
    ------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
    1 30 WAMS11 3084316962 PARENT 1 03-MAR-11
    1 2 WAMS11 3084316962 CURRENT 1308979 10-MAR-11

    2. I then registered it into the catalog, but list incarnation shows both the target and the auxiliary: Is this correct or is my duplication inaccurate? Why does the incarnation stored info both the target and the auxiliary?

    List of Database Incarnations
    DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
    ------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
    1 30 WAMS11 3084316962 PARENT 1 03-MAR-11
    1 2 WAMS11 3084316962 CURRENT 1308979 10-MAR-11
    395578 395597 WAMSDUP 4099367134 PARENT 1308979 10-MAR-11
    395578 395579 WAMSDUP 4099367134 CURRENT 5877516482230 11-OCT-11

    3. After registering the auxiliary into catalog, when I get into the target (source) db rman and do a list incarnation, it seems the auxiliary incarnation is recorded in the target db, any idea why?List of Database Incarnations
    DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
    ------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
    1 30 WAMS11 3084316962 PARENT 1 03-MAR-11
    1 2 WAMS11 3084316962 CURRENT 1308979 10-MAR-11
    395578 395597 WAMSDUP 4099367134 PARENT 1308979 10-MAR-11
    395578 395579 WAMSDUP 4099367134 CURRENT 5877516482230 11-OCT-11

    4. IF I do NOT connect to the catalog, only connect to the auxiliary as target, rman target /, then list incarnation shows the correct info:
    using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

    List of Database Incarnations
    DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
    ------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
    1 1 WAMSDUP 4099367134 PARENT 1308979 10-MAR-11
    2 2 WAMSDUP 4099367134 CURRENT 5877516482230 11-OCT-11

    5. I wonder IF it is possible to register & configure the auxiliary database in the RMAN catalog and start backing it up. Have anyone of you guys done that before? or is this a mute point?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Nevermind -- a stupid question due to aging!

    I forgot the syntax:

    list incarnation of database.

    Else, of course catalog will show all REGISTERED databases' incarnations.

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