I'm trying to run an SQL but can't, get error message - use set command to reduce ARRAYSIZE or increase MAXDATA. Can someone tell me about ARRAYSIZE and MAXDATA, the syntax and how I can get the SQL to run.
many thanx.
Resultset of query is to large
The error you get indicates that the number of rows or the number of columns that will be returned are to big. You can try to decrease the ARRAYSIZE and increase MAXDATA, but you can also select less rows/columns. (ROWNUM < 100).
I think the last solution is the best since it is hard to give correct figures for ARRAYSIZE and MAXDATA bevause this depends on the resulstset of your query.
This problem is related to SQL*PLUS. If you have any other query tool (TOAD, SQL commandor) use that instead of SQL*PLUS.
Kind regards,
got it working by reducing the arraysize to 5, however can someone tell me how to use ROWNUM, an example of the syntax. Thanx.
As Paul has mentioned you can fetch less number of records, but if the problem still persists, run the following at the SQL prompt and trying running the query.
SQL> set array 1
This sets the arraysize for you and the query should work fine.
- Mayur.
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