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Thread: help on how delopy on user side

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Question how to deploy programs developed in dev r6 to users???

    this is the situation:

    1. programs developed in developer r6
    2. need to deploy the programs to user, but only executables must be deployed
    3. installed Oracle forms run time , and reports run time

    but still cannot use the form

    error message FRM=40038 - cannot attach d2kwutil libraries

    what else must I install to make this run,

    PS. I tried installing the whole dev r6, and this runs, but so as to protect the
    programs from user manipulation, only the run time must be installed

    any site you can suggest????

    [Edited by gma800 on 01-17-2001 at 01:01 PM]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I would check out Developer forums on Metalink and/or open a tar and try to get it resolved that way, most people that look here are more geared towards administration.

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