Online BRbackup problem
Hi Friends
I am having online BR backup problem in my AIX system.
Error is as follows:
BR0202I Saving /oracle/PP5/920_64/dbs/initPP5_online_2tape.sap
BR0203I to /dev/rmt1.1 ...
BR0202I Saving /oracle/PP5/920_64/dbs/initPP5_online_2tape.sap
BR0203I to /dev/rmt4.1 ...
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-11-10 18.03.26
BR0198I Profiles saved successfully
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-11-10 18.03.27
BR0315I 'Alter tablespace PSAPODSD begin backup' successful
BR0202I Saving /oracle/PP5/sapdata45/odsd_582/odsd.data582
BR0203I to /dev/rmt1.1 ...
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-11-10 18.03.27
BR0315I 'Alter tablespace PSAPFACTD begin backup' successful
BR0202I Saving /oracle/PP5/sapdata23/factd_55/factd.data55
BR0203I to /dev/rmt4.1 ...
BR0278E Command output of 'LANG=C cd /oracle/PP5/sapdata45/odsd_582 && echo odsd.data582 | /usr/sap/PP5/SYS/exe/run/brtools -f detach LANG=C cpio -ovcC512 > /dev/rmt1.1':
< odsd.data582 > ?
BR0240E Size 262144 of saved/restored data is different from the size 10485768192 of file/save set /oracle/PP5/sapdata45/odsd_582/odsd.data582
512 blocks
BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-11-10 18.03.28
BR0279E Return code from 'LANG=C cd /oracle/PP5/sapdata45/odsd_582 && echo odsd.data582 | /usr/sap/PP5/SYS/exe/run/brtools -f detach LANG=C cpio -ovcC512 > /dev/rmt1.1': 2
BR0222E Copying /oracle/PP5/sapdata45/odsd_582/odsd.data582 to/from /dev/rmt1.1 failed due to previous errors
BR0222E Copying /oracle/PP5/sapdata3/btabd_1/btabd.data1 to/from /dev/rmt1.1 failed due to previous errors
BR0222E Copying /oracle/PP5/sapdata3/btabd_11/btabd.data11 to/from /dev/rmt1.1 failed due to previous errors
Kindly help me out to resolve this issue.
you will have to ask SAP seeing as though it is there tool that is failing
BR0278E Command output of 'LANG=C cd /oracle/PP5/sapdata45/odsd_582 && echo odsd.data582 | /usr/sap/PP5/SYS/exe/run/brtools -f detach LANG=C cpio ovcC512 > /dev/rmt1.1':
< odsd.data582 > ?
BR0240E Size 262144 of saved/restored data is different from the size 10485768192 of file/save set /oracle/PP5/sapdata45/odsd_582/odsd.data582
512 blocks
Above is the actual error and Click to check exact error like you.
link provided here mentiones one SAP Note use that and solve your issue.
Last edited by paragp1981; 11-12-2008 at 11:22 AM.
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