Way to find out In which phase exactly the Query is running on database??
Dear all
I wanted to Know Is there any way to find out,In which phase the current/perticular query (Running on Oracle database ) is in???
Whether parsing,execution,fetching,what is going on??
Among which phase the current Query is In??
If anybody have any idea OR is there any view from which we can find out please let me know
I'l be realy gratfull to you all
Thanks in advace
You can find the PID and then use truss to see what it's doing in O/S level. BTW truss works on sun solaris.
 Originally Posted by malay_biswal
You can find the PID and then use truss to see what it's doing in O/S level. BTW truss works on sun solaris.
and hw is that going to tell you whether it is parsing a query or not (it wont)
the answer is you cant really
parsing is only a miniscule time anyway so you will either be executing or fetching
The question is why are you interested in this information?
Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.
that's correct, parsing info you will not find from truss.
BTW i guess you are interested in how long all these steps took for a particular query. Is not it?
If so, trace that session and do a tkprof that will tell you.
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