need help in update statement
i have created a table with the system date as one of the column:
create table nav_date as (SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') "Current date" FROM dual)
how to get the current system date in the table whenever i open the table nav_date?
I mean the table should automatically update the date.
create a view
select sysdate as nav_date
from dual ?
 Originally Posted by ali560045
i have created a table with the system date as one of the column:
create table nav_date as (SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') "Current date" FROM dual)
how to get the current system date in the table whenever i open the table nav_date?
I mean the table should automatically update the date.
why dont you just query from dual?
when i m creating the table for the first time i m doing sysdate from dual only.
But when i open(select * from nav_date) the table say after 5 mins , it should show me the updated time and not the pevious stored time.
so not getting how to achive this?
again, instead of selecting from your table - why not just select from dual. What you are doing makes no sense
 Originally Posted by citldba
create a view
select sysdate as nav_date
from dual ?
like citldba said
you create a view
create view time_view as ( SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') "Current date" FROM dual);
it will get update.
In the case of table, it is created with the time while you firing the create query.so when you select from the table you will get the time already stored at the time of creation,again it wont go to select from the dual.
whay create a view on dual - whats the point!
And why do you think it wont select from dual - wtf do you think the view is doing?
thanks a lot. i tink this view seems to help me for this time now.
thanks all of u for ur precious time
 Originally Posted by davey23uk
whay create a view on dual - whats the point!
And why do you think it wont select from dual
when i tried it from the table it is not doing.But it is working fine in the view.
can you post the correct query for the table ??
- wtf do you think the view is doing?[/QUOTE]
yes the view is doing
SQL> select * from time_view;
Current date
24-JUN-2008 06:08:03
SQL> /
Current date
24-JUN-2008 06:08:07
SQL> /
Current date
24-JUN-2008 06:08:09
Last edited by gopu_g; 06-24-2008 at 08:48 AM.
select sysdate from dual - will return the date
its up to the CLIENT to say how it wants it displayed
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