Flash recover area to network share ?
We use RMAN for daily backup, the catalog db on seperate box, but we have Flash recover area on local Oralce server at the same drive as data files, which is the single point of failure -- if the drive crash , we got nothing, so, wondering if it works if I copy all the content of Flash recover area to a network share on weekly basis ? Am i able to recovery the databsae to a new box by using those files if the Oracle server crash ? Thanks.
do you understand the difference between flash recovery and rman backups?
flash recovery just a storage of RMAN backups, no ?
Let me go a little beyond Dave's comment, I'm starting to believe you do not understand RMAN.
Pablo (Paul) Berzukov
Author of Understanding Database Administration available at amazon and other bookstores.
Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
 Originally Posted by Jiangxi
flash recovery just a storage of RMAN backups, no ?
Isnt Flash recovery area also the place where RMAN backup goes if you have'nt explicitly configured a separate disk areas for RMAN using either the format command or the configuration ?
And in case the O/P uses Oracle Managed Files then a copy of the controlfile ,and one redologs each would be stored in the flash recovery area as well so in case he does that then network attached drive mounted using NFS is pretty much ruled out.
But if he just storing the flashback logs and the backups then cant he perodically backup the falsh recovery area to a NFS mount point using RMAN itslef ?
can one of you please clarify
Unless you shutdown the database, it will NOT WORK to just copy all the content of Flash recovery area to a network share. You need to use RMAN.
Also think of moving this area to another disk with same properties (hardware) as the database files.
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