File is more recent than controlfile - old controlfile
RDBMS Version:
Operating System and Version: Red Hat Linux 7.3
Error Number (if applicable): ORA-01207
Product (i.e. SQL*Loader, Import, etc.):
Product Version: Oracle 9i
Couldn't start the database: file is more recent than controlfile - old controlfile
Hi friends
I would like some advice what are the step to taken to solve the below problem.
Everytime I startup the database I got this error :-
Total System Global Area 95122692 bytes
Fixed Size 451844 bytes
Variable Size 92274688 bytes
Database Buffers 2252800 bytes
Redo Buffers 143360 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-01122: database file 1 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/data/oradata1/DATA1/system01.dbf'
ORA-01207: file is more recent than controlfile - old controlfile
The database can not be open as normal.
For your information, this database used for development and testing. So the ARCHIVELOG has not been utilize.
Is there away to at least save all the schema inside it.
to start with, what did you do to get it in that situation (and dont say nothing)
startup in nomount and create a controlfiel through "create controlfile " command and the start.
 Originally Posted by Kailash Chandra
startup in nomount and create a controlfiel through "create controlfile " command and the start.
what? you seriously suggesting that?
Ever heard of Google?
First 'hit':
When you open the database, oracle checks the control file and then checks each file listed in the control file to verify that it is current. If the datafile is behind the control file, the database knows that it must recover the datafile. However if the datafile is ahead of the control file, oracle assums there is a problem with the control file (ie you restored the wrong one etc). to recover using an older control file you must specify the "useing backup controlfile" clause. Basically, this tells the database that the control file is behind the datafiles. Oracle can roll forward through the archivelogs but it does not know when it has completely recovered (since the is in the control file and it is behind the database). Once it recovers through all the archivelog that is finds the database stops. You must open the database using the resetlogs clause. This established a point of consisstence (even if it is not consistent) for the database to work from. At this point, you should export, rebuild and import the database to insure data integrity.
This is why it is important to have multiple control files on different disk so that you always have a "current" control file to recover from.
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