rman duplicate using Auxiliary instance
I know that its not possible to connect to Auxiliary instance remotely and push the restore/recovery(duplicate) to there.
as far as im aware of when you do duplicate on the same box rman recovers the database untill latest archive log available to the databse
(at the time of executing duplicate command).
Question is what happens if i ftp backup across to destination(Auxiliary) host and connecto to PROD remotely,will oracle still look for latest archive log available to the database
at the time of executing duplicate database? is it going to get archive log from prod thru tnsnames ?
how rman transferrs those files to local host(Auxiliary)? for recovery purpose.
or that duplicate will only restore and recover database untill cancel using available recovery files on local box ?
Rman does not trasfer the files to remote host you need to do that :-)
so if there is 30min gap between when i transferred my backup(including available arch logs) and executed duplicate databases command, i will have to go back and get latest archive logs again if there is any?
You can also make sure that the place where rman backs up your prod database is accessible from the place where you are cloning the database.
Then in that case you dont have to move the copy the RMAN backupsets .
rman will read the backupsets and will duplicate the database for you.
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