I am getting this error 'ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified' while creating this table
CREATE TABLE lloyds_user_details (
sequence_user_id NUMBER ,
user_id VARCHAR2( 12) ,
question_id NUMBER( 8) ,
response VARCHAR2( 30) ,
gender CHAR( 1) ,
date_of_birth DATE ,
status_code NUMBER( 8) ,
sequence_id NUMBER( 8) ,
created_by VARCHAR2( 40) ,
activation_key VARCHAR2 (40),
last_updated_by VARCHAR2( 40) ,
last_updated_TS VARCHAR2( 10) ,
address_id NUMBER( 8) ,
PRIMARY KEY (sequence_user_id),
FOREIGN KEY ( question_id ) REFERENCES lloyds_challenge_question ,
FOREIGN KEY (status_code)REFERENCES lloyds_status_code_details ,
FOREIGN KEY (sequence_id) REFERENCES lloyds_subscription ,
FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES lloyds_address_details
wht is the reason please help me out
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