i run this sql as part of a recovery script...

select 'create tablespace ' || T.tablespace_name || chr(10) ||
'datafile ''' || F.file_name || ''' size ' || to_char(F.bytes/1048576)
|| 'M' || chr(10) ||
'default storage (Initial ' || to_char(T.initial_extent) ||
' next ' || to_char(T.next_extent) || ' minextents ' ||
to_char(T.min_extents) || chr(10) ||
' maxextents ' || to_char(T.max_extents) || ' pctincrease ' ||
to_char(T.pct_increase) || ') online;'
sys.dba_data_files F,
sys.dba_tablespaces T
T.tablespace_name = F.tablespace_name
and T.tablespace_name != 'SYSTEM'
and F.file_id = ( select min(file_id)
from sys.dba_data_files
where tablespace_name = T.tablespace_name );

I get this output.....

datafile 'H:\USERS' size 500M
default storage (Initial
create tablespace RBS_1
datafile 'G:\RBS_1' size 500M
default storage (Initial
create tablespace LIVE_DATA
datafile 'F:\LIVE_DATA_1' size 800M
default storage
create tablespace LIVE_INDEX
datafile 'I:\LIVE_INDEX_1' size 800M
default stora
create tablespace RBS_2
datafile 'G:\RBS_2' size 500M
default storage (Initial
create tablespace TEMPB
datafile 'H:\TEMPB' size 200M
default storage (Initial

see how it is truncating the storage parameters....can anyone see the flaw in the sql statement?

thank you in advance...
