SQLLDR Problem when direct = true
I am using the Vfp 5.0 for my application and using the sqlldr to load the records as bulk to the db tables.
Inputs from the notepad are correctly fetched and stored my my db table(tempcontract).
But when i use the Direct = true option, then the details are not stored.
SQL*Loader-951: Error calling once/load initialization
I studied from net that when the "Direct = True" option is used then the insertion into the db table would be faster. so i tried. but when i don provide that option, then the details are exactly loaded into my db table.
Can anyone help me in pointing out the problem.
sample :
+'LOG = '+TEMPDIR+'S2K.LOG USERID ='+lcUserName+'/'+lcPassWord +'@'+;
lcDatasource + ' ROWS=1000 Direct = True '
Thanks in advance.
is it a partitioned table?
What version of oracle, is the sqlldr version the same version that comes with the database?
Are there any other errors apart from what you have given there
No the Table is not partitioned and I am using oracle 9i.. I dont know how to find the version of SQLLdr???
I am getting the following error when the direct = true
SQL*Loader-951: Error calling once/load initialization
ORA-24329: invalid character set identifier
But the Direct = false then the File is uploaded to the Table..
Kindly help
is the sqlldr loader executbale you are using on the same server as the database?
if you type sqlldr manually what does it say? what is the exact version of the database
What are you NLS environment settings
After searching, i found that the catldr.sql should be executed frm the location :
But i didnt find the catldr file in my system in that location. Can i get the script from anywhere??
thanks in advance.
Truely speaking, i have been assigned to do this patch work to speed up the upload. So i searched the net and found this option.
My server is in different m/c, should the and the version are same.
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release is the exact version.
and SQL*Loader: Release
Should this both be same?????
(sorry for the previuos error).
I am using in my app not in command prompt.
must be run on the database server (if you need to run it)
well looking at various problems on metalink, they all suggest to use the same version of sqlldr when using direct=true
Then can i suggest to my n/w team to have the same version of the sqlldr and the server. Will that make the issue solved for now??
Can i commit???
Thanks in advance..
might do, might not - but unless you try it you will never know
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