hi everybody
now I have 2 copies of control files on same disk,suppose I add one in init.ora,then does that automatically gets created during db start or I will be placing a copy in the new location and then restart db.
all your suggestions helped alot,and regarding mts ,can anybody say is it recommended not to use mts after oracle 7.3 and if so why???
hi friends,
i tried to give the create controfile option in svrmgrl. but it says oracle not connected. i tried connecting as internal, sys as sysdba, etc. but the same problem persists. documentation says i need OSDBA granted, but how do i do it ?
set oracle_sid='your sid'<enter>
svrmgr>connect internal/'your pass'
svrmgr>shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
svrmgr>startup mount
Database mounted.
svrmgr>alter dabatase backup controlfile to 'your backup path'
Statement processed.
then the rest it's easy.
hope it helps
that is a problem. when i say startup mount or startup with anything else, it shows me all the buffer size, sga etc but after redo buffers, it shows me this error
ORA-03113: end-of-file on commumnication channel
and after that , if i give any command , it gives me the error
not connected to oracle
what can i do ? this is getting more & nore interesting . i think i will learn a lot thanks to u guys.
did you try with all control files at all to see which one is corrupted?
If all of them are corrupted your only choice will be start the instance (startup nomount) and recreate the control file
yes i did try with all three control files. but none of them works. all three of them are of same size. does it mean all three are corrupt ? i tried recreating but that is the problem. when i connect to svrmgrl and say create control file, it gives me an error saying oracle not connected. what do i do ?
did you issue startup nomount
you issued startup?
Of course they are same size, they are mirrored copies to prevent loss of any of them. Like your case (it would be very helpful if you have one control file that works isnt it :D )
You have to issue startup nomount in order to recreate a control file.
hi ,
tried that. works fine. great. now i am trying to create the control file. my old control files didnt work. i tried. besied, being of the same size, they are also last modified at the same time. what does that mean ? anyway, will write back as soon as i create the control file. thanks a lot.
may use NT comp command to compare control files: they should be the same.
how it happened control files get lost? Are you sure now that your HW/OS is OK? I saw a case how control files where lost because of disk controler problem. Then HW problem had to be fixed first before proceeding.
it´s not lost, corruption of blocks.
Of course control files have same modified time, they are mirrored copies. Mirror means clone, if you look yourself at the mirror you see another you.... hope this helps
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