Hi I am trying to update a col on a large table (1.7mil rows)
I have this stored proc and I dont know how to conver the folloing code to use a forall bulkbind to speed up my update any sugestions or solutions?
CURSOR cursor_a
a.field1, b.field2
FROM schema1.table1 a, schema2.table2 b
WHERE b.field3 = a.field3;
FOR curs_rec IN cursor_a
schema1.table1 a
SET a.field2 = curs_rec.field2
WWHERE a.field1 = curs_rec.field1;
It is likely that the fastest way (other than recreating the table) to do this update will be with a single update statement, probably update of view (where view is your query).
Bulk bind would certainly be an option though.
Post a proper example and get a proper solution.
Based on the data type of your columns in select statement
declare 2 pl/sql tables for eg.
type t_num is table of number(30) index by binary integer;
type t_char is table of char(30) index by binary integer;
/*declare 2 variables to hold the data values */
l_var1 t_num;
l_var2 t_char;
/* bulk collect the cursor elements in the pl/sql tables */
open cursor_a;
fetch cursor_a bulk colect into l_var1,l_var2 limit 100000;
forall i in l_var1.first .. l_var1.last
schema1.table1 a
SET a.field2 = l_var2(i)
WHERE a.field1 = l_var1(i);
exit when cursor_a %notfound;
end loop;
close cursor_a;
Hope this helps
Thanks I will give it a try
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