1 I have created one table
item_master (item_id varchar2(4)
(sub_item_code varchar2(4)
(description varchar(100)
i have created a form using this table and add a button on this form. I wish to view all records of this table (on pressed) using this created button on this form. How to do
2. I have created two tables
a.) item_master (item_id varchar2(4)
sub_item_code varchar2(4)
description varchar2(100)
b.) audit_cust (item_no varchar2(4)
description varchar2(100)
i have createds a trigger as given below
create or replace trigger viewall
before update on item_master
for each row
--description varchar2(100);
insert into audit_cust values (ld.description);
when compiling it shows erros. I have tried with both the option i.e removing declare & without removing declare. In both the cases it show erros as
4/32 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'OLD.DESCRIPTION'
pl help