ORA-07445: exception encountered: [SIGSEGV] [Invalid permissions for mapped object]
Hi All,
We got this error in production database ..
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [__GI__dl_addr()+272] [SIGSEGV] [Invalid permissions for mapped object] [0x80E3000] [] []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [508], [3221165280], [403], [3221165280], [138157485], [2110389720], [], []
After these error the database was down, but there was nothing in the alert file that the database is down or something like that ..
There is not much information about this error in metalink.
Pls let me know at the earlies if any of you faced this error .
Sarav .
saravana kumar
ORA-07445 is a bit like ORA-00600 in that you should pass it to Oracle support to analyze. I suggest you raise an iTAR as soon as possible.
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