Remove Oracle-DB from Windows
my installation of Oracle crashed during the installation because of ORA-12560. Now I got a Database that can not been connected. The db service seems to run. When I try to start the listener it stops because there is no Database.
How can I remove this half installation of db on Windows?
The second question is: How can I avoide this error in future?
Thank you for your help in advance!
start up dbca - it should be able to remove it.
You usually get that error when the service isnt running - and a listener wont stop because of no database - you have a different problem there
The dbca could not connect to the instance. I wanted to check the status of the instance but I could not connect to as well.
ORACLE_SID is set ...
Can I remove the DB manually by removing the db files.
-> I found a tool to remove the Oracle- and Listener-Service as well. Could this work?
Thank you,
These are pretty agressive methods, but they work for me:
Hi Tim,
I will go this way because there is an (maybe only for my) misteriose thing on that system: I found an ora81- And Ora81-Folder in the same Directory under Win2003. Is that possible? Maybe my database installation script took the first (empty) Ora81 directory an failed therefore?
The Oracle- and the Listener-Services are installed but NO db file is created in the db directory...
I installed Oracle many times but this never happened to me.
Maybe my fault is, I installed the Oracle software not by myself ...
Greetings from Christian
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