deleting schema user
i have a schema user in oracle. so if i removed this schem auser then all my data is lost?
Re: deleting schema user
Originally posted by yls177
i have a schema user in oracle. so if i removed this schem auser then all my data is lost?
You should still have all of your backups. But yes, when you drop a user, the user gets dropped along with all of his data.
I'm not sure myself, so i'm just throwing this into the arena, but what would happen if you dropped the user WITHOUT the cascade option?
if you dont supply cascade it wont drop.
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Sep 16 09:57:45 2004
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SQL> grant connect, resource to dave identified by dave;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> connect dave/dave
SQL> create table test (num number);
Table created.
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> drop user dave;
drop user dave
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01922: CASCADE must be specified to drop 'DAVE'
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