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Thread: How Much effect to add for update clause

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    How Much effect to add for update clause

    1. select * from t1 where ...
    2. select * from t1 where ... for update nowait

    I can not see any performance difference between these 2 sql .
    But I think there should be some difference because the explain plan shows me the addition optimize step for 'for update '
    1. www.dbasupport.com
    2. www.dbforums.com
    3. www.itpub.net
    4. www.csdn.net
    5. www.umlchina.com
    6. www.tek-tips.com
    7. www.cnforyou.com
    8. fm365.federal.com.cn
    9. www.programmersheaven.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2000
    Chester, England.
    the performance overhead (if any) is immaterial/academic. Its what you are trying to do that's important. If you are just selecting and not updating then use #1. If you intend to update the row(s) selected then use # 2 (For Update), otherwise you cannot guarantee that the rows selected have not been updated in the time between you issuing the SELECT and the UPDATE.

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