Excluding Users from full Import
Hi Everyone,
I'm looking for an effective way of importing a full dump file that contains several hundred users.
At the same time I don't want SYS and SYSTEM to be overwritten, and including a string of the remaining about 350 users in a parameterfile (FROMUSER TOUSER etc.) seems to be very inefficient.
Does anyone know if there is an import parameter I can use that excludes SYS and SYSTEM when actually performing a full import?
I don't thnik that's possible...
How about creating a script that imports your data per user?
set trimspool on
spool c:\import.bat
SELECT "imp user/passw@db full=n ignore=y file=full_db.dmp etc
fromuser="||username||" touser="||username from all_users
where username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
spool off
(run import.bat)
(maybe slow, but it does what you want...)
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.
effective ways
Shouldnt you look at a better exp way....
sql>exp 'sys/sys@db as sysdba' file=all_your_users.dmp owner=(user1,user2,etc..)
then do an easy import
Able was I ere I saw Elba
You can do the same trick for export, but then you have to manually edit the spooled file...
set trimspool on
spool c:\export.bat
prompt "EXP user/passw@db direct=y full=n file=x all_other_options owner="
SELECT username||',' from all_users
where username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
spool off
(edit and run export.bat)
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.
Thanks for the help, but as I feared there doesn't seem to be a simple way using some parameter switch when calling exp.
Much appreciated though.
Originally posted by Peer Jones
Thanks for the help, but as I feared there doesn't seem to be a simple way using some parameter switch when calling exp.
Much appreciated though.
You should have not taken a full export but used the OWNER parameter to exclude the users that you don't need.
Oracle Certified Master
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I tested my theory, but there's a limit on the length of the exp-statement. I had issued 418 users and the result was a "The input line is too long"-error...
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.
Originally posted by efrijters
I tested my theory, but there's a limit on the length of the exp-statement. I had issued 418 users and the result was a "The input line is too long"-error...
Store that owner=long-list-of-users part in a parfile and use PARFILE= in your command line....
Jurij Modic
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