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Thread: forms connection problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Im trying to make a connection to a database on a seperate machine using oracle forms. When I do so I get this error message:
    FRM-40735 ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-03114. (ORA-03114 means not connected to oracle)
    The connection works for sql plus and ive put in an odbc connection just to be sure, but still there are problems. Has anyone had this problem before?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    What are u using to configure the sql net connection ?
    To connect to database using forms u have to use sql net asy configuration and not net8 easy configuration.

    ofcourse trying to configure with net8 instead of sql net should not give u ora-3114(it should give u one of the TNS errors) but no harm checking this one.

    also give ur os and form and db versions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Alex, Egypt
    Do you receive the dialog box of the user name and password, once you open the forms runtime ?
    if yes : this means you get connected and once after, you will be disconnected, which could be because of a network error, or because someone run an SQL*PLUS script that creates the table PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE, and inserted some records there that prevents you from connecting to the database through Forms, in this case check the mentioned table.

    if no : this means that you have a trigger on the forms level called "on_logon" this trigger is fired instead of the dialog box, of user name and password, so the form is open successfully without being connected, and when it tries to execute the first SQL statement, it finds that it is not connected.
    so check if you have a code on the trigger "on_logon"
    either correct it or delete the trigger.
    Amir Magdy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Im running 8.05 EE on NT4 server and connecting from an NT client using forms

    The dialog box for username and password appears as soon as I open the forms application.

    Product_user_profile has no data in it. Do I need to run a script to enable forms to be used?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    [QUOTE=mb;16571]Im running 8.05 EE on NT4 server and connecting from an NT client using forms

    The dialog box for username and password appears as soon as I open the forms application.

    Product_user_profile has no data in it. Do I need to run a script to enable forms to be used?[/QUOTE]

    I am facing the same problem...
    I have cretaed a new form through wizard using templete.fmb.Also attached .pll . There is no custom pl/sql code.
    Without attaching .pll it is working fine...but after attaching when executing through form builder getting this error message.....FRM-40735 ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-03114..
    FORMS_PATH is currect...
    Please suggest.........................
    Platform specification..
    Developer 10g version and
    Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production

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