error linking developer suite under linux
I'm trying to install developer suite on red hat advances server 2.1
while linking i got error messages and the instalation stops. here is the output from the make log:
/usr/bin/make -f ins_reports.mk cgi_install ORACLE_HOME=/developer
rm -f rwcgi
gcc -o rwcgi -L/developer//lib/ -L/developer/lib/ -L/developer/lib/stubs/ -L/developer/jdk/jre/lib/i386/classic -L/developer/jdk/jre/lib/i386/native_threads rwsws.o rxmawc.o rwswcj.o rwswcm.o rwswcs.o rwswif.o rwswk.o rwswm.o rwswu.o rwswur.o rwswx.o /developer/lib//libzrc90.a -lca90 \
-lclntsh `cat /developer/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb9 -lnsgr9 -lnzjs9 -ln9 -lnl9 -lnro9 `cat /developer/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb9 -lnsgr9 -lnzjs9 -ln9 -lnl9 -lclient9 -lvsn9 -lwtc9 -lcommon9 -lgeneric9 -lwtc9 -lmm -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 `cat /developer/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb9 -lnsgr9 -lnzjs9 -ln9 -lnl9 -lnro9 `cat /developer/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb9 -lnsgr9 -lnzjs9 -ln9 -lnl9 -lclient9 -lvsn9 -lwtc9 -lcommon9 -lgeneric9 -ltrace9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 -lclient9 -lvsn9 -lwtc9 -lcommon9 -lgeneric9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 `cat /developer/lib/sysliblist` -lm `cat /developer/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lpthread -lm -lsnls9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 -ljvm -lhpi
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lclntsh
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [rwcgi] Error 1
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