Man... I did something to my workstation... and i can't figure out what i did. I've checked the registry, and the tnsnames.ora file is located where it's supposed to be...but suddenly i can't get to any of my databases...
I checked and i still have read access to the tnsnames file... so that can't be the reason...
I've even tried editing the registry to include TNS_ADMIN and specifying a different path... but i cant get in anywhere.. getting the same:
ora-12222:tns no such protocol adapter
or ... tns canot resolve host name message.
I tried doing TNSPING and get
Message 3509 not found; No message file for product=NETWORK, facility=TNS
... i'm not sure what this message means... can you tell me...
how do i resolve this problem??? i thought i did all the right troubleshooting, but apparently not!@ :(
try reinstall oracle protocol support
pando, is that on the oracle cd? I can't seem to find it as one of the options.
I got exactly the same problem as your on one of my users machine. They installed some other application which creates another TNS name some have changes the existing. So next, time when ever I try to connect, it gives the same error. After playing around, I had to do clean reinstall of Client. Then it fixed the problem.
I suggest the same for you.
Kishore Kumar
it should be on the CD, under net8 client I believe there is an option that says Oracle protocol support
hmm... well i looked and there aren't any other existing tnsnames files anywhere.... (trying to get out of a new install)
it's definitely there on the 8.1.6 CD under net8 products.
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