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Thread: Snapshot , snapshot log , refresh .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Snapshot , snapshot log , refresh .

    ( Please excuse me becuase i'm writing this message from pc which haven't any oracle version and any sql editor , so i had to write the sql senario manually . Pls excuse me again )

    Hi all..
    With Oracle 8I, I have 3 snapshots on same table , and i'm using fast refresh by snapshot log on the table and the dbms_snapshot.refreshy() procedure .
    The question is , how could i keep the data in the snapshot log after refreshing any snapshot to use it in the another snapshot refreshing .
    Thanks in advance .

    My scenario is :

    Connect xxx/xxx@db1;

    Create table t1 ( a number(3)primary key, b varchar2(100));
    Table created

    create snapshot log on t1;
    snapshot log created

    connect xxx/xxx@db2

    create snapshot snp1 refresh fast with primary key on demand
    as select * from xxx.t1@db1 wheer a=5;
    snapshot created

    create snapshot snp2 refresh fast with primary key on demand
    as select * from xxx.t1@db1 wheer a=10;
    snapshot created

    create snapshot snp3 refresh fast with primary key on demand
    as select * from xxx.t1@db1 wheer a=15;
    snapshot created

    connect xxx/xxx@db1;

    insert into t1 values(5,'xxx');
    1 row inserted
    insert into t1 values(10,'yyy');
    1 row inserted
    insert into t1 values(15,'zzz');
    1 row inserted

    select * from mlog$_t1;
    (I will have the last 3 inserted rows )

    connect xxx/xxx@db2

    procedure completed

    select * from snp1;
    a b
    ------ ---------
    5 xxx
    1 row selected

    connect xxx/xxx@db1;

    select * from mlog$_t1;
    no row selected

    How could i keep the another two rows to use when I need to refresh snp2, snp3 , and if u want me to refresh the another two snapshot with the first within one procedure , so it's not possible because each snapshot is on different site .
    Thanks .
    Tarek Al'Kaddoumi ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    I don't have a solution for you question .but if the volume of data

    is not high. u can do a complete refresh for now.

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