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Thread: ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Hi every one i am a recent college leaver, and i am now working part time.

    During my studies at college i decided to study a short course on Oracle.
    I learnt sql and pl/sql and many other topics.

    I am now keen on studying a ocp course which i am saving up for. But that means i have to sacrifice my studies for a degree at university.

    Do you think i should study for the OCP (dba) track or first complete a computing degree at university.

    I hope your advice will make able to make make this critcal choice.

    I would like to gain my ocp and seek a junior dba position, but i still have no commercial experience.

    what do you reccomend.

    eager for lots of replys.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Lightbulb Go for Uni digree first!

    Hi ABD,
    I recommend Computer Science Digree! bcoz without any
    experience its too hard to find a job now a dyas :(
    Oracle Certification doesn't help to get Jr. Oracle DBA position.
    I know there are so many Oracle Certified DBA without
    experience and still they don't get the job they looking for!!!


    Vimal Patel
    OCP DBA 7.3, 8, 8i, 9i
    Sun Solaris 8 Sys. Admin.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Madrid, Spain
    Go for degree. If you cant get OCP the first attempt you can still try in a short period. If you cant get a degree then you lose a chance in the life, or waste another three years

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000


    I think that if your first objective is to become DBA and make money, you do not have to go to the university. For a Oracle certification you will spend maximum 5 months, for a university certificate you will spend a year. For a ocp you will studdy 2 hours by day for 5 months and you continue to do your work and make money.
    But for university is more work than that, and wend you will finish a university cerificate for a year you will see that is not enough and you have to go for another 2 years to become someone in IT.
    I have 1 year of college, this is a college kind of certificate.
    I allready become DBA in my company (160 programmers) BECAUSE I am the person who knows more about Oracle.
    I do the OCP because I have no university and I want to get more weight in my academics preparation.
    Get inside the company like simple programmer, and because you have the best Oracle knowledge you will be promote DBA in one year. Now I have 2 years DBA experience in two different workplaces, and I do this OCP to proove myself that I realy am a DBA and I can negociate a competitive salary.
    So, my conclusion is, if you only want to be hired like DBA is not necessary to go to university, but if you want to be a system architect or something else, GO FOR IT, but one year is not enough, go over the top, do a MASTERAT .

    The question is, if you do not get a job without experience and a OCP, you will get it just having a computer degree? Computer degree means you have experience? Hwo the company gonna hire like DBA, me with 2 years DBA experience and a OCP or you with a computer degree?

    The IT MARKET is in mutation. If you are young and have support, go for UNIVERSITY, but if not, is not necessary, be practical. There are youngers companies in the market who work with web artists that become programmers and another people without studdies that become programmers passing by internet programmig: today they work with HTML, in few days they work with ASP, COLDFUSION, tomorrow with JAVA and like me with ORACLE-pl/sql and MS SQL. We get paid less for start because we have no university studdies and we are hired more often that the others just now, because the opening is for web programming.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    go for degree. better to have some computer concept and innovative idea. OCP is nice to have but not compulsory; and OCP no guarantee for job or dba job. you find a wonderful life in University.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2000

    Wink ???

    Go for the degree first. Where I work, all DBA's are required to have a four year computer science degree.

  7. #7
    I agree with dmarian's approach...

    I started working with a software company with absolutely no exspirience at all in the IT industry... I started as a graphic design artist... then moved up to a web master... designing their entire website by myself... then I used cgi and learned some unix/linux... along with HTML and FLASH... then moved up to some sql and some programming... learning Delphi and a little Oracle... and now I am prepairing for OCP and in product development...

    it's the whole theory of janitor turn president...

    The best exspirience, I feel, is not starting as a DBA at all... in fact if you are going to remain with a company it's one of the worst places to start... yes you start at a nice salery... but you don'ot know much about the company and it's needs and infrustructor... and your are expected, right away... to improve the company's growth and increase productivity...

    a lot is expected... if you start at the bottom though... you can work your way up... you gain more respect from your co-workers and it's much easier to negotiate your salary... when you finally do take on OCP and DBA stuff... plus you have all sorts of other exspirience you can put on your resume...

    if you don't need a hell of a lot of money right away... I reccomend starting from the bottom... if so... then it's sink or swim...
    Chester Ney
    CODY Computer Services
    System DBA

  8. #8
    in addition... more and more companies are expecting their employees to wear many hats... to cut costs and increase profits... so if you can do design work... programming... advertising... and are a little rusty on your oracle... most companies are much much more willing to bring you aboard and allow you to make mistakes...

    it is good to start out with a small company too... larger companies have very high expectations and slim margins for error... a smaller company will allow you to make more mistakes... which is very important when learning oracle... and you can be fairly sure you won't bring someones life to a halt when you crash a database... :)
    Chester Ney
    CODY Computer Services
    System DBA

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