ORA -12571:TNS: Packet writer failure
Hello friends,
RDBMS Version:
Operating System and Version: Windows 2000Pro
Error Number (if applicable): TNS 12571
I am Installing oracle 9i database release2 on windows 2k Professional and i m using preconfigured database it was installing perfectly but as soon as it start DBCA for creating database after 46% installation it is saying ORA-12571 : TNS : Packet writer failure.
Please suggest what should i do?
During the installation , in NET8 CONFIGURATION ASSISTANCE step, it would have asked you for SERVICE NAME, HOST NAME, and once u give this info, it will ask you to connect to DB, the username and password you provided might not be correct.Please try this giving sys username and password and your installtion will work.
S/W install is done, only DB creation has probs.
Check if Alert.log/install_logs say any thing.
You usually get this error if you are connected to instance & instance goes down (due many reasons) & then you try to execute some
query/process or so.
Check if Pwd file is getting created.
"I Dont Want To Follow A Path, I would Rather Go Where There Is No Path And Leave A Trail."
"Ego is the worst thing many have, try to overcome it & you will be the best, if not good, person on this earth"
TNS Packet failure :
Ya u r right ABHAYSK s/w is installed but problem with DBCA thats why it is unable to create DB .
Now tell me what are the othe ways to connect to SQL plus ? or do i have to create the database manually.
Using DBCA, just save the DB creation script.
run the batch file generated, you will know where is the problem.
"I Dont Want To Follow A Path, I would Rather Go Where There Is No Path And Leave A Trail."
"Ego is the worst thing many have, try to overcome it & you will be the best, if not good, person on this earth"
TNS Packet writer failure
Hi Friends
still i am facing the same problem, i am trying to create manual database, after connecting to idle instance (sqlplus /nolog) when
i tried to connect as internal or sys i get the same packet failure error.
pls advise
Oracle 9i doesnot support svrmgr!
set Oracle_sid=
sqlplus /nolog
connect sys/sys as sysdba -- if this doesnot work then
connect sys/change_on_install as sysdba
connect sys/oracle as sysdba < if this too doesnot work then
connect system/manager
alter user sys identified by xxx;
connect sys/xxx as sysdba
then startup nomount pfile='.....'
create database command...
if you have any problems do let me know..
i can send you step by step installation document..
Problem is still same
Hi friends
i have already mentioned that i am able to connect to idle instance (usine sqlplus /nolog) but after that i m unable to connect because it gives packet failure error, i have tried all the users suggested by sanjay then it gives
ora-03113 end of file on communication channel.
so i am still at the square?
please advise
ORA-12571: is there the problem with WIN2k pro
Hi ofcourse i did all this things even i tried soln provided by oracle , and i am not using terminal server
i m using windows 2000 professional.
is there the problem with WIN2k pro or problem is something else
Pls advise what should i do?
Should I change my operating system to NT/Win2K(Server), Or should I wait for oracle assistance.
because i am in diehard situaion.
Can you breif me what all the steps you followed.
and also try send me a mail on sanjaygk at hotmail.com so that i can send you a step by step installtaion document both on solaris and windows 2000 professional.
don't worry you can create, i will help you
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