Impact on Rollback segment while Oracle performs Advance queue and Dequeue operation
Hi Friends,
What is the impact on ROLLBACK segment, while Oracle performing Advance queue and Dequeue operation.
Why I am posting this issue ........... right?
I have few queue tables. In the base tables if there will be any DML operation (INsert,Update or Delete) My triggers will fire and those records will be queued in those queue tables and then through Java extract file those records will be dequeued and will be written in a flat file.
**** IMP ******
I am not getting this error while my triggers are firing. I.e when actually DML statements are occuring on those tables I am not this error.
I am only getting this error while my JAVA Extract Batch process is running. So, in that case only Select statement is coming into the picture. No DML statement.
So please be specific about the impact on rollback Segment from the point of view of Select statement.
Does this operation has any impact on Rollback segment , so that I can get "ORA -01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 22 with name "R022" too small"
Or can I assume some other process is using the same Rollback segment
I will appreciate if you please clarify my doubts.
Last edited by sumit; 01-24-2003 at 04:46 AM.
Snapshoot too old error
Well, your error is due to the re-usage of rollback segments and the select statement is unable to build the consistent blocks. TO avoid this error, increase the size and "minextents" of the roll back segments. It seems to be your RBS is small compared to the transactions. Also ensure to issue the commit statement soon after the DML statements.
Good luck..
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