redo log size
Hi ,
I have noticed that the default redolog size in 9i datbase's is around 100 mb where as before in the earlier versions it used to be only 1 mb. Am i mistaken ?
If this is the case why such a sizeable change .How about some opinions from u guys ?
Thanks to all contributing
OCP DBA 7.3,8,8i,9i
well we never use default settings, do you?
Being an OCP DBA for 9i you should be aware of this.
Anyway, when you create OMF(Oracle Managed Files) all the datafiles are 100MB by default which are autoexetnsible to unlimited max size. And logfiles are no exception. They too are 100MB by default.
In 9i when using OMF default size is 100MB.
Sanjay G.
Oracle Certified Professional 8i, 9i.
"The degree of normality in a database is inversely proportional to that of its DBA"
I wonder who on earth would use OMF, low end servers but still... pointless
And I ask again, do you use default settings?
If we all use default settings we probably have like 20MB SGA for Oracle 8 databases and 50MB SGA for Oracle 8i databases
What's the reason when we set a large redo log? It's when we expect massive transactions going on
Testing for specific users at times.. yes sometimes i use the default settings !!I know what large redo logs are used for thankyou but just wanted to know the default change in size of the redologs
Anyways thankyou Sanjay for your input that was a nice short and precise answer.
Last edited by smimran; 01-22-2003 at 04:48 AM.
OCP DBA 7.3,8,8i,9i
Originally posted by agasimani
all the datafiles are 100MB by default which are autoexetnsible to unlimited max size.
*Shudder*... a unlimited maxsize for datafile... Why do oracle do this?
OCP 8i, 9i DBA
Brisbane Australia
Originally posted by pando
I wonder who on earth would use OMF, low end servers but still... pointless
pando can you please explain what do you mean by the above statement..well all oracle9i boasts about this OMF feature..why do you think its bad ?
can you elaborate
well it's not only me who say it, Oracle says
Who Can Use Oracle-Managed Files?
• Low end databases
1. A single initialization parameter, DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST, is
specified. This is probably a low end database since all files are
create in the same filesystem. You can seperate redo logs and
controlfiles but not datafiles unless you create manually (so what's
the point of using OMF if later, I have to create datafiles manually
if I want to distribute I/O?)
OMF is for those shops with no DBAs, is for those peeps who does
create database and they have a database running, is for low-end servers for 1 or 2 or 3 filesystems assigned for Oracle, and only one of them is used for datafiles, no file distribution. In our databases we have file naming convention and if we see a datafile we know what tablespace it belongs, this is not the case with OMF, it's probably no harm but it's like SAP tables with dodgy names then if I want to know what is it I have to look up the dictionary table
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