DBA types ...
Hi All
I am in argument iwth my fellow DBA that there are
many times of DBA ..like production ,Application and
system DBA..i remember reading a nice article on
this..can somebody help me to find it.where the author
had clearly explained ..the role performed by each DBA
DBA working on production database - Production DBA
DBA working on development site - Application DBA or development DBA
Depends on where a DBA is working.
For a big company with huge databases the DBAs are divided. Like DBAs for Tuning the database, DBAs for taking care of backup strategy, DBAs taking care of Application.
DBAs for doing the setup and system testing, DBAs doing volumetric testing.
In a small company one DBA takes care of the whole thing.
So i think the discremination is scenario based.
inputs from others are welcome
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

I think adewri has clearly explained what different DBAs do at work.
There is also another view which is taken in the orgs in which I;ve worked..
a). App DBA
b). Tech DBA
a) App DBA - Handles Database Admin such as, segment craetion/monitoring/manipulation, performance montioring, user management, tablespace monitoring, some issue management. On ALL databases e.g. (Prod and Dev).
b). Tech DBA - Oracle install, instance creation, patch appliaction, backup and Recovery etc. On ALL databases e.g. (Prod and Dev).
OCP 8i, 9i DBA
Brisbane Australia
There are four types of DBA's, with short descriptions listed below.
1) The smart and industrious DBA. This is the type of DBA you should aspire to be. Proactive, stays current with respect to mastering new techniques, always learning. Is a ready source of information. Understands how the database interacts with other components of the company.
2) The stupid and industrious DBA. This is the type of DBA you want to shoot. Frequently causes problems due to his own ineptitude. Has Ex-Lax hands - everything he touches turns to crap. Industrious nature causes problems long after he has been terminated or fired; you're just never sure what is was he got into while "working" for you. Never really understood why rollback didn't work when he truncated your 6 million row customer table.
3) The smart and lazy DBA. This type of DBA is a sad case to see; you know he has the smarts and potential to do well, but his work ethic just isn't all that great. Some are this way because of external factors. For example, family problems may distract him at work, giving the impression he is lazy. Others may be trying to ride the IT gravy train of the mid-90's and cop an attitude ("I'm the DBA, I don't have to do squat. The database will take care of itself. And besides, it's the system administrator's fault.").
4) The stupid and lazy DBA. This type of DBA is rarely seen these days - in the work place, that is. Predatory nature of management ("The Revenge of Management Against IT Staff") since the mid-1990's has pretty much cut the dead weight from their organizations. Many of these (non-working) DBAs can be found on brain dump/cheat sheet web sites, always asking for freebies (STS, ILT, Brain Cramp, Test Weenie, etc.). Many also aspire to be removed from the sanction list and come in from the cold. They believe becoming an OCP earns them a meal ticket, and still never understood why they were fired in the first place, or why they can't get a job in the first place.
Thats a Good reply .
from my experience i have come accross The smart and lazy DBA category people , Cool , if something happens it is OPERATING SYSTEM FAULT CANT HELP IT MUCH . database was running smooth , but o/s created problems. Looks like system admin will look in to this. 
Eat , Drink & Enjoy life -
thats a bitter truth
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

Hi Steve
LOL..what a reply...I certainly beleive that the role of a DBA is cahnging..whenever i attend interviews people now ask wheather i can manage..BEAweblogic.Oracle9ias Apache webserver..can i do XML...apart from the questions like..RMAN usage..patches and regular DBA stuff...so i was just wunderin..do people here who are DBA's also into this kinda of stuff..
Don't worry there'll be more of those so called for the internet boom blooper for the next decade of boom boom they'll be DWH DBA, DEV DBA and so on.
Tarry Singh
I'm a JOLE(JavaOracleLinuxEnthusiast)

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