unable to rename a datafile
Hi all,
I'm running oracle 9.0.1 on linux 6.2. I was adding a datafile to a tablespace and was wrongly typed the name of the datafile. I thought of renaming the file and tried to took the tablespace offline.I got an error ORA-01658,"unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace SYSTEM", this tablespace has got only 300M left over, and even that directory doesn't got much physical space on disk to increase the system TS size. Can you please help me.
Thanks in advance
Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the SYSTEM tablespace on a relatively free drive.
Last edited by ggnanaraj; 11-07-2002 at 06:50 AM.
That i can do, but the thing is, i dunno have space on any other disks even. and one more thing, the file is around 2000M which i want to rename, so do i need to create another 2000M for SYSTEM too???
Re: unable to rename a datafile
Originally posted by pnrdba
I was adding a datafile to a tablespace and was wrongly typed the name of the datafile. I thought of renaming the file and tried to took the tablespace offline.
On second thought, are your sure you get this ORA error when trying to offline the tablespace and not when creating the datafile?
Well, you could just drop the datafile and create it again with a name you want.
Moreover, you need to have a smaller value for INITIAL for the SYSTEM tbs to solve the ORA error you get.
Last edited by ggnanaraj; 11-07-2002 at 07:29 AM.
On second thought, are your sure you get this ORA error when trying to offline the tablespace and not when creating the datafile?
Yes, i'm sure . I got the ORA error when i was trying to bring the TS offline. So now can i drop the DF and re-create with the desired name?
can i drop the DF and re-create with the desired name?
Yea, that should be ok, unless you have created some objects on that datafile.
Nothing is there in that DF. but is it ok to do this job online, when the users are working?
you CANNOT drop a datafile from a tablespace
It is possible to resize the datafile to 1K. Then no objects should get created in the datafile.
You cannot drop individual datafiles.
If the tablespace contains recreatable objects eg indexes, then
1) offline the tablespace
2) drop the tablespace including contents
3) recreate the tablespace
4) recreate the objects
If the tablespace contains tables
1) export all the objects in the tablespace
2) drop the tablespace including contents
3) recreate tablespace
3) import the objects
OFCOURSE, TAKE A FULL BACKUP before you do any of the above. You will also have a downtime. So, I suppose the workaround is better.
Last edited by ggnanaraj; 11-07-2002 at 08:30 AM.
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