sys login problem again
Hi experts,
I cannot login to an Oracle 9i server from a remote system using "sys/password@alias as sysdba". The error generated is invalid
username/password (ORA-01017) even thouh the username,password and alias are correct. Also user scott has been granted sysdba privilege. But when I try to login from a remote system using "scott/password@alias as sysdba" the error generated is insufficient privileges (ORA-01031). Here are some extra details.
a) remote_login_passwordfile=exclusive
b) Oracle 9i server is on Win NT platform
c) My client is a Win 2000 system
d) Client, server are in two different domains and there is no relationship between the two domains.
e) The database is shutdown and should be started from a remote system.
I have tried almost everything. I also used the /nolog option but still cannot connect to an idle instance. I have also tried using "sys@alias as sysdba" and later supplying the password but still cannot connect. I guess there is a problem with the OS because I have done this at my institute where I studied Oracle DBA and it worked fine.
Can somebody solve my problem.
Did you create a password file?
try using orapwd.
It is better to ask and appear ignorant, than to remain silent and remain ignorant.
Oracle OCP DBA 9i,
C++, Java developer
password file exists
thanks for the info but the password file exists and I am able to login sitting at the server. Remote logging is causing all the problem.
Is the alias correct?? Did you try tnsping . If its working fine, then try like this:
C:> sqlplus
Enter user-name : sys/@alias as sysdba
This should work. I tested it now, its working with me. If not, let us know.
still not working
I have tried the option that you have suggested but it still does not work. The alias is also correct.
Just now i did the experiment came out successfully.
In 9i by default the system will start with SPFILE so what u have to do is from remote site if u are having the client administrative tools shutdown the database and try to start it either by storing the parameter locally or by showing it the fullpath where the parameter file resides.Once u successfully starts the database definitely u will be connected with any user who is having sysdba privileges.Even it is possible through SQLplus.
all the best
still facing problem
I have also tried this out at my institute where I studied DBA and it works fine but somehow it does not work in office. I was able to connect to an idle instance and startup the database from the remote location at my institute but somehow it does not work in office. Could there be a problem with the OS? I am just an user here. I am not in the ORADBA group or the administrators group.
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