Hi Friends,
I'm facing some problem in my Oracle 8.1.6 database which is running on Sun SPARC Solaris server.
OEM shows rthat the system tablespace is full. All of my processes are running very slow, even a simple query will take a lot of time. Sometimes my front end applications are not able to connect to the database. Pz tell me whether this is because there is no space in system tablespace or what??
What is solution of the problem. Can I add one more datafile in my system tablespace or is there any other solution of this problem?? Plz tell me the solution.
Thanks in Advance
"Greatest Rewards come only with Greatest Commitments!"
well you can simply resize the system datafile, see if it goes quixker then - bet it will :-)
Thanks davey23uk, I'm working on this...hope it should solve my problem.
Once again thanks a lot.
"Greatest Rewards come only with Greatest Commitments!"
You can add a datafile to SYSTEM tablespace but I would suggest to investigate what is making it full.
SYSTEM tablespace should not grow much if you have no user objects in it and auditing is not turned ON.
prompt Objects existing in the SYSTEM tablespace
prompt -----------------------------------------
prompt Objects other than those owned by SYS or SYSTEM should exist in
prompt their own tablespace
col Owner format a17 heading 'Owner'
col ob_type format a4 heading 'Type'
col ob_name format a30 heading 'Object'
col size_m format 990.90 heading 'Size M'
break on owner nodup skip 1 on report
compute sum of size_m on owner report
select owner, decode(substr(segment_type,1,3), 'TAB', 'Tbl:',
'IND', 'Idx:',
substr(segment_type,1,3)||':') ob_type,
segment_name ob_name, bytes/(1024*1024) size_m
from dba_segments
where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM'
and owner not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')
order by 1,3
Once you have eliminated all of the impossible,
whatever remains however improbable,
must be true.
Thanks a lot Sureshy for the script...
"Greatest Rewards come only with Greatest Commitments!"
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