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Thread: !!Please Help!! Query a table with 8 million rows

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hi all,

    I come across the following scenario:
    We have a table which store weblog records, say the table is called 'Weblog' which contains many columns and three of them are:


    Sessionid is unique, and cookieid can be duplicated
    For example:

    logdate sessionid cookieid
    ... ... ....
    ... ... ....
    2002/09/10 12345 78888
    2002/09/10 23456 78888
    2002/09/11 74729 78888
    2002/09/11 32433 99999
    2002/09/12 54533 33333

    This table contains approx. 8 million rows, what I need to do here is to produce a report which looks something like:

    logdate "no. of new cookies" "total distinct cookies"
    2002/09/10 50 5000
    2002/09/11 69 6030
    2002/09/12 70 5920

    To find total distinct cookies for each date is an easy part, but the problem is to find new cookies(that means one never appeared before compares to all the ones appeared up until now), it takes forever to run (with more than 8 million rows).

    To find distinct new cookies I wrote:
    select distinct trunc(logdate),cookieid from weblog w1
    where not exisits(select 1 from weblog w2 where w1.cookieid=w2.cookieid and trunc(logdate)<=trunc(logdate-1)

    note:I also created non-unique index on 'cookieid'.

    This query takes forever, so can someone help me here?
    What's the best way to make one such report?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Jeff Hunter

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