I want to change my user name in database.Is it possible to change user name without affecting all objects in that user? Can anyone give solution for this?
I don't think it's possible to change a username, the easiest way to acomplish this is to take an export of the current user, create a new user and then import the schema into the new user.
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or the round about is create another user and grant this user all the privileges . might be much faster than export and inport .
siva prakash
Or you can update the USER$ table. But, your datadictionary will be currupted, you may not be able to do few datadictionary related activities there after :d
Originally posted by nagarjuna
Or you can update the USER$ table. But, your datadictionary will be currupted, you may not be able to do few datadictionary related activities there after :d
When oracle corp strongly advises you to keep away from these tables, why in the hell would anyone go there??
And what's such a big deal of changing a users name when you have managed him thru a role?
Tarry Singh
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