Hi All,
I have Oracle (32-bit) and three instances on Sun Solaris 8 (64-bit). I shutdown all instances and listeners, then tried to apply Oracle patch (64-bit) and of course messed up the database server. Now the Oracle server gives fatal errors when I use svrmgrl. My question is can I uninstall Oracle and reinstall it? Will this uninstall and reinstall of Oracle affect the three instances I have (all are shutdown now)? Will they function normally after I reinstall Oracle?
Thank you very much,
Ah, applying a 64 bit patchset to a 32 bit database will do that.
Restore your software from your backup (you did backup your software before you upgraded it, right?)
Otherwise, you can rm -rf your oracle software and re-install. You may have issues with your orainventory which you can just rm -rf as well.
Of course, you will create a complete backup of your existing software and data in case something else goes bad.
Jeff Hunter
Hi Jeff,
I have instances shutdown before I applied the patch so the datafiles, redo log files, and control files are there. I mean can I use OUI to remove Oracle products then use OUI to reinstall Oracle? The question is will all instance be intact after this uninstall and reinstall of Oracle?
Thank you,
Originally posted by jiong
Hi Jeff,
I have instances shutdown before I applied the patch so the datafiles, redo log files, and control files are there. I mean can I use OUI to remove Oracle products then use OUI to reinstall Oracle?
The question is will all instance be intact after this uninstall and reinstall of Oracle?
Jeff Hunter
Here is where knowing the difference between database and instance comes in handy. You can do whatever you want to the Oracle software (uninstall, re-install, etc.) and those actions will have no impact on your database (datafiles, control files, log files, init.ora file and so on - these are all files). The only caveat or word of caution about this has to do with where you have these database files located. If they are stored separately from the software files, no problem. If they are under the directory tree where the software is located, be careful when using rm.
Instance is related to the background processes and memory structure (like the "program" is running). This analogy may help: When you have MS Word open, that is an "instance" - the program is running. Your documents are like your database files. You can delete Word and re-install it, and still have access to your document files. Same thing you are trying to do.
Your database will be intact after the re-install. It is not an issue of whether or not your instance will be intact. You have to startup the instance. If the instance does not start, you will have to find out why, much as when the instance fails (why?).
Hi Jeff and stecal,
Great minds think alike. All instances work after the reinstall of Oracle. Thank you very much,
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