Dear All,
I would like to use the DBMS_SPACE package to return information about the position of the high water mark and the amount of unused space in a segment. However, I don't know how to execute the DBMS_SPACE package with sql*plus.
Could you pls help me out? Thank you!!
I am facing a problem as below, (login sys/**** as sysdba)
SQL> execute
('SCOTT', 'EMP', 'TABLE', :total_blocks,
:total_bytes,:unused_blocks, :unused_bytes);
SP2-0552: Bind variable "UNUSED_BLOCKS" not declared.
you have to declare variables to handle the results which will pass to :unused_blocks for example
Dear Pando,
Could you give me an example of that? Thanks a lot!!
Actually, I am not familiar with the SQL statememt as above.
I just copy it from the 8.1.7 Doc..... All I am concerned is how to execute the DBMS_SPACE package for specific user's objects.
Sorry that I am kind of new in this field, thus, I do need your explanation in more details. Thank you!!
variable unused_blocks number
variable .... blah blah
execute DBMS_SPACE.UNUSED_SPACE ('SCOTT', 'EMP', 'TABLE', :total_blocks, :total_bytes,:unused_blocks, :unused_bytes);
print unused_blocks shows the value
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