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Thread: Looking for DB metrics to monitor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    This was passed to me by our OpenView admin. Our management likes metrics. Can someone help me show some that might mean something?

    I have been asked to identify Oracle metrics collected by OVO (Oracle Plug-in For OpenView) to be displayed on the Metrics database web page. Could someone give some direction on which metrics may be useful. If you have time, scan the list below and let me know which of the metrics could be used for capacity planning or fault prevention.

    Here are some I selected (let me know if you agree or disagree with their usefulness)

    # of segments approaching max extent (E017_SegMaxExtentCnt)
    Disk sort rate (E019_SortDiskRate)
    Total buffer cache hit % (E022_TotBufCacHitPct)
    Rate of background checkpoints completed (E035_BckgndCkptRate)
    Table spaces with low free space ; drill down (E206_TblSpFreePct)

    Here is the list of all available metrics.
    Definitions are available in "VantagePoint SMART Plug-ins for Databases Oracle Referece" http://ovweb.external.hp.com/lpe/doc_serv/

    Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things -- Robert Heinlein

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    few more !!!!!!!


    on this page , find the check list... you can add few more to the list.

    And you can use OEM, to best monitor the Oracle for all the above mensioned requirements ...

    Another way would be monitoring thru scripts ( can be scheduled to run at some intervals either thru CRON or DBMS_JOBS ) , write them or else barrow them.

    Madhu Reddy

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