Hi all
I have received ORA 12631 UserName retrieval failed error while installing Oracle, on windows 2000 My RAm is 1GB and I logged as administrator.
Please help
thanks in advance
would you post your SQLNET.ORA file here ???
From Metalink:
Problem Description:
When your server is not connected to the network and you try to connect in
Server Manager (svrmgrl), the connection fails returning an ORA-12570. If you
check the "sqlnet.log" you will find a TNS-12631 error.
ORA-12570 / TNS-12570: TNS acket reader failure
ORA-12631 / TNS-12631: Username retrieval failed
Problem Explanation:
These errors are associated with remote authentication on NT under NTS (NT
Transport Services). Essentially, the following parameter is set in the
As a result, if you are logged on as a domain user, and you don't have a
network connection (network cable temporary removed or laptop booted
standalone), you will not be able to connect to the database because the
authentication will try to reach the domain users database on the PDC
(Primary Domain Controller) or BDC (Backup Domain Controller).
Solution Description:
There a 2 solutions to connect to the database when no network is present:
1. You can log in as a NT local user.
2. You can disable NTS in sqlnet.ora by setting the following parameter:
1. When you log in as a local user, then the local users database is contacted
and not the remote domain users database.
2. When NTS is disabled, even though you are logged in as a domain user, the
domain user's database will not be accessed.
The tip
works, just saved me a couple of hours searching.
To be compliant with Terms of Use, can I introduce this configuration change in my business laptop?
The information was actually helpful to run oracle XE, which I couldn't run before.
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