I just passed the last test for my 8i certification. I think oracle sends you a package with a certificate in it. Anything else??
i jus got my stuff fri. just got a certificit, an id type card, and some other oracle related marketing crap. others in this forum talked about a pin, but i dont get one
When in doubt, pick 'C'.
I got a bottle of OCP wine and Larry himself invited me to dinner. We hung out on his yacht that night and discovered that we both share the same crude, chauvinistic sense of humor. It was a lot of fun!
After that I was treted to a hearty handshake and a "Good Luck in you job search"

You can always count on Mr.H for a chuckle.
Jeff Hunter
Originally posted by ocpwannabe
i jus got my stuff fri. just got a certificit, an id type card, and some other oracle related marketing crap. others in this forum talked about a pin, but i dont get one
I'd look through your stuff again they must have left out your pin and six figure job offer!
i wish they sent you the questions you missed and a dynamic view to show you how much each question cost you.
Originally posted by Mr.Hanky
I got a bottle of OCP wine and Larry himself invited me to dinner. We hung out on his yacht that night and discovered that we both share the same crude, chauvinistic sense of humor. It was a lot of fun!
After that I was treted to a hearty handshake and a "Good Luck in you job search"
hmmm...did he also hand you the bill afterward??
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