Hi, 30th oct 2001 20:01 hrs chennai
This was the steps sent by our member Mr Hayram his Practical experience of Installing oracle 9IAS .This has also been discussed in one of the threads.I am sure this Practical step by step instruction will help many.
This document is to provide a step by step installtion procedures for 9IAS Enterprise option on NT, with 9IAS on one PC and the database on another PC.
Though the experience on one install may differ from another, this document explains some of the most common problems during and Enterprise Edition install and its components. Many things are described in further detail in the Install Guide, and the pre-Install tasks should be followed first.
Machine1 (IAS)
1) Check the network setup of BOTH machines. In particular check
a) that the machine's IP address is a DNS one and not a DHCP one. Fire up a dos box and do ipconfig /all this will give some info on this. If in any doubt check with the network administrators, and get them to set you up a permanent DNS name and address BEFORE proceeding to install.
b) The 'machine' name which is viewable in control panel - network is exactly the same as the name by which your machine is known to the DNS networking system.
If they are not the same, get the network administrators to change the name by which your machine is known on DNS to what you have entered locally on your computer.
c) The machine name also should NOT have any spaces in it, e.g. 'nicks computer.' If it does, change it on the PC *FIRST*, reboot and then request the network people to change their description of your machine to the new name (if it has a space in.)
d) Check the 'virtual memory' setting in control panel - system. You should
up this to something like 200 Meg on both machines.
Machine2 (Orgin Database)
Ensure origin database e.g. 8i is installed and up and running, in particular:
a) check the services in control panel. You should have an
oracleservice running, as well as an oraclelistener.
b) The 9ias install guide suggests making the SID and service name the same of the origin database, it's easier to just make sure you do this when installing it.
c) Check the logins are valid, sys/ and system/
- 9ias install uses these.
- do NOT rely on a user/pwd login string with no db alias
- You HAVE to test this with the full alias specified in the tnsnames.ora file,
e.g. sys/my_sys_pwd@my_database because this is what machine1 will use.
Now start the Oracle Universal Installer(Setup). Note the various install directories, port numbers ect as you go. Do not fire up ANY OTHER software while doing this as Shortly afterwads the machine1 will *automatically* reboot!
Enter your administrator login and the installer will start up again automatically and the install will continue.
1) You are then prompted for the Origin Database Connection Info.Enter machine1's host (check with ping on machine 2) , port and Service name.
NOTE: the host is MACHINE2 NOT machine22.mannai.com.qa BUT the Service name should be fully qualified DB1.mannai.com.qa
*** (the above may be wrong, service should possibly be just (Instance Name) (ie) DB1)
2) At this point you are prompted with ther portal DAD and schema logins + pwds. write this down!
f) enter the sys password for the origin database.
g) enter the portal to go user and pwd - write this down!
h) enter the system password of the origin machine.
Disk1 will install upto 60%, After a while you will be prompted for disk2.
3) The installer will now merrily install developer, discoverer, portal.It will fire up the traditional installers of these products to do this. wait for this to finish. Even if the installer says 100% finished after the discovered install and appears to do nothing - WAIT as it will finish in time!
4) The installer will then reach the 'configuration tools' section. First on the list is the oracle database cache install - the wizard will start up in a separate window.
a) type in the sys password and the NT administrator account pwd in the box below.
b) If you get ora-12545 at this point your original host string entered was probably wrong. cancel out.
d) web cache config assistant then completes very quickly, and goes to the oracle portal config assistant. Enter the connect string as, for example
machine2:1521 B1
e) accept defaults of portal30 and portal30 for the oracle portal schema and oracle portal dad. If you had any other install fail then you will need to either delete the portal30 user and objects on the origin database first, or just choose a different name, e.g. portal30b
f) accept the default portal30_sso names for the SSO schema and SSO DAD. If
created already in an aborted install as above, choose a different name eg portal30_sso2
g) Now you are prompted to enter tablespaces.
(If you accepted the defaults it may complain that you need 100M in the tablespaces.
The best best is to create your OWN tablespaces. Choose back and create the tablespaces as below.)
On machine2, the origin DB machine, fire up sql*plus and create two big tablespaces:
create tablespace biggun1 datafile
'D:\somewhere_with_lots_of_space\biggun1.dat' size 200M reuse autoextend on next 1M MAXSIZE 300M
create tablespace biggun2 datafile 'D:\somewhere_with_lots_of_space\biggun2.dat' size 200M reuse autoextend on next 1M MAXSIZE 300M
Then back on the IAS machine1, choose biggun1 for the default tablespace, and biggun2 for the document and logging tablespaces. Click YES to overwrite existing portal packages.
Make sure you have lots of virtual memory on the origin DB and close all unneccessary software. At 60% done the DB machine crashed for me, but this was using only a 100M tablespace and having some software load on it, see below.
This will appear to hang on 22% for a while. Wait for this to complete.
This then goes to 28% for the next part. Wait for this as it can take quite a while...
This then goes to wait at around 60% for a while, then around 80%, finally waits a bit more on 100% .
* If the database cache config or portal config fails with ora-012514, this may be because the machine's system and dns names are different.
Finally, It will install Discoverer 3i viewer, HTTP Apache Server.
Go to Your browser:
For Discoverer viewer
The sample data contained in a dump file called disc_demo.dmp. For Ex:
D:\Oracle\iSuites\6iserver\discwb33\demo\disc_demo.dmp. Just import to your machine2(DB1 database). The Demo consists of several simple workbooks.
You can access Discoverer viewer thru
I had another problem in discoverer viewer:
Discoverer 3i viewer (version 3.3.48 for NT; Apache is the web server) is up and running as long as only one person connected to the Discoverer 3i viewer. The first person who connects to Discoverer 3i viewer can run queries without any problems. Then a second person logs on (from a different machine) and starts a query. When the first person to be connected tries to start another query, the viewer kicks them out.
Solution Description
Increase the maximum memory available to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to mx256m. You can increase the memory by editing Jserv.properties file of Jserve to:
com.visigenic.vbroker.orb.ORB -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass=
Once you make this modification, there may not be any more problems with multiple users connecting at the same time. Please also refer to Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer Edition Installation and Administration Guide ( Editing jserv.properties file of JServe).
I hope this document will help some one. If you need any more help in 9IAS please don't hesitate to contact me.
Attitude:Attack every problem with enthusiasam ...as if your survival depends upon it
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