Hello everybody !!
I installed Oracle 8i Personal and Forms/Reports 6i at the same machine (local), but i don´t get to connect in the Oracle using Forms/Reports.
How can i configure the tnsnames.ora to resolve the problem ??
Rômulo - Brazil.
Dear Romulo, 27th oct 2001 20:35 hrs chennai
welcome to Dba support.com as a new member.
You have by mistake posted this thread in this forum.
Actually the thread should be posted in ==>Oracle Database adminisration forum. The link for the same forum is givem below.Where you can find many members to provide good solutions.
This How to Forum is For Providing Solutions to Repeatedly Asked Questions in the Oracle Database adminisration forum.
Even though your Thread should be moved to the above forum, and since Your Question Will also help many members in future who have same Problem i retain it in this forum.
The Solution for your Problem
Installing Oracle
Before You Install Oracle
To install the Oracle products on your personal computer, you must install the client applications on the Oracle Forms and Reports 6i CD, which is also called the Oracle Developer6i CD. These applications include SQL*Plus, which is the command-line SQL utility, as well as Form Builder, Report Builder, Graphics Builder, and Procedure Builder. If you do not connect to a remote database, you need to install the Personal Oracle database, which is the DBMS that stores and manages the data.
Software Requirements
Your computer must have the Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000 Professional operating system, and must be configured to support TCP/IP networking operations. (If you can connect to the Internet, then your computer is configured to support TCP/IP networking operations.) Your computer should not have any other Oracle products previously installed. If this is an attempt at reinstalling an Oracle product, you are likely to encounter errors during the installation process. You should deinstall the existing Oracle product using the instructions in the section titled Deinstalling Oracle Products. If after deinstalling all Oracle products, you still encounter errors during the installation process, you should reinstall your operating system, and then install the Oracle products.
Hardware Requirements
To install both the Developer utilities and the Personal Oracle Database, your computer should have at least 128 MB of main memory, and 800 MB of free hard drive space if your operating system is Windows 2000 or Windows NT. If your operating system is Windows 98, your computer should have at least 64 MB of main memory, and at least 600 MB of free hard drive space. You must also have a network card or modem, and be able to connect to the Internet. (You will not be connected to the Internet when you are using Oracle, but you must have the hardware and software so that you can connect to the Internet.)
What is Included in the Software Installation Kit
The Software Installation Kit includes three CDs: the Oracle Developer 6/6i CD, which can be installed on Windows 98, NT, and 2000 computers; the Oracle8i Personal Edition release 8.1.6 CD, which is used to install the Personal Oracle database on Windows 98 computers; and, the Oracle8i Personal Edition release 8.1.7 CD, which is used to install the Personal Oracle database on Windows NT/2000 computers. Please note: although the label on the Forms and Reports CD states that the product is for Windows 98 and NT, it is also compatible with Windows 2000.
Installing and Configuring the Oracle Products
The Oracle Developer and Personal Oracle products must each be installed in a separate folder on your workstation, which is called the product's Oracle Home directory. This is because each product has a similar set of files that are used to configure the product and make it run correctly, and the product looks for its configuration files in its Oracle Home directory.
The installation and configuration instructions are different for
each operating system platform. Proceed to the section for installing and configuring the Personal Oracle database on your operating system.
Installing the Oracle Products on Windows 98 Computers
To install the Oracle products on computers that use the Windows 98 operating system, you must install the Personal Oracle 8i database first, and then install the Developer client products.
Installing the Personal Oracle8i Database (Windows 98)
To install the Personal Oracle8i database, you need to use the Personal Oracle8i Version 8.1.6 CD.
To install the Personal Oracle database (Windows 98):
Insert the Personal Oracle 8i Version 8.1.6 CD in your CD-ROM drive. The Oracle8i Personal Edition dialog box opens.
HELP? If the program does not automatically start, start Windows Explorer, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and run setup.exe on the CD.
Click Install/Deinstall Products. The Oracle Universal Installer dialog box opens. Click Next. The File Locations page appears.
HELP? If the Next button is disabled, click Deinstall Products, and then click Close. The Next button should now be enabled.
Accept the default Source file path. Change the Destination Name entry to PERSONAL_ORACLE and, if necessary, the Path entry to C:\Oracle\ORAPO, and then click Next. The Loading Product Information dialog box appears.
TIP: If the drive letter where you have 600 MB of free disk space is different than C, type this drive letter instead.
HELP? If the File Lcoations page appears again, click Next.
When the Available Products page opens, select the Oracle8i Minimal Installation option button, and then click Next.
HELP? If the Warning page appears stating that you do not have 96 MB of RAM, click Next. The software appears to run successfully, although slowly, with 64 MB of RAM.
When the Select Starter Database page appears, make sure that the Yes option button is selected, and
When the Database Identification page appears, type ORCL.LOCALHOST for the default global database name. Note that the SID entry is automatically specified as ORCL. Click Next.
When the Summary page appears, click Install. The Install page appears. The installation process will take several minutes.
When the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Alert dialog box opens, click OK.
When the End of Installation dialog box opens, click Exit, and then click Yes to confirm exiting.
Close all open windows and dialog boxes, and then reboot your computer.
Installing Developer 6/6i (Windows 98)
Next, you will install the Oracle Developer client applications, which are the client applications used to create queries and user applications. This is a two-step process: first you install Form Builder, and then you install Report Builder.
To install Form Builder:
Insert the Oracle Developer 6/6i CD in the CD-ROM drive on your computer. The Oracle Installer program starts. This is the program that is used to install all Oracle products. The Oracle Installation Settings dialog box opens.
HELP? If the Oracle Installer does not start automatically, start Windows Explorer, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and double-click the setup.exe file.
Accept the existing Company Name.
Change the Oracle Home Name to DEVELOPER_HOME, the default Oracle Home directory to C:\Oracle\ORADEV, and then click OK. This will be the Developer Home directory.
TIP: If the drive letter where you have 600 MB of free disk space is different than C, type this drive letter instead.
When the Oracle Tools Installation Options dialog box opens, make sure the Oracle Forms Developer option button is selected, and then click OK.
When the Installation Options dialog box opens, make sure that the Typical option button is selected, and then click OK.
If the Test Forms Server Installation Options dialog box opens, select the No option button, and then click OK.
The Installing dialog box appears. The installation process will take several minutes.
When the Installation Successful dialog box opens, click OK. If the General Information dialog box opens, click OK.
When the Reboot needed dialog box appears, click OK. The Oracle Installer closes. Close all open windows.
You do not need to reboot your computer yet, because you still need to install Report Builder.
To install Report Builder:
If necessary, insert the Oracle Developer CD in the CD-ROM drive on your computer. The Oracle Installer program starts.
HELP? If the Oracle Installer does not start automatically, start Windows Explorer, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and double-click the setup.exe file.
Accept the current Company Name.
Accept the default Oracle Home settings (DEVELOPER_HOME for the Name, and C:\Oracle\ORADEV for the Location), and then click OK.
When the Oracle Tools Installation dialog box opens, select the Oracle Reports Developer option button, and then click OK.
When the Installation Options dialog box opens, make sure that the Typical option button is selected, and then click OK.
If the Test Reports Server Installation Option dialog box opens, select the No option button, and then click OK.
The Installing dialog box appears. The installation process will take several minutes.
When the Installation Successful dialog box appears, click OK.
If the Reboot needed dialog box appears, click OK. The Oracle Installer closes. Close all open windows, and reboot your computer to save the installation settings.
Starting the Personal Oracle Database (Windows 98)
On Windows 98 computers, you must explicitly start the Personal Oracle database before you can start client applications and log onto the database. Now, you will start the Personal Oracle database.
To start the Personal Oracle database:
Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to Oracle – PERSONAL_ORACLE, point to Database Administration, and then click Start Database. The Oracle8i Startup dialog box appears. A series of progress messages appear. When the message "Oracle8i database started successfully with sid ORCL" appears, click OK. Note that the Personal Oracle database icon appears in the bottom right corner of the taskbar.
Configuring and Testing the Personal Oracle Database (Windows 98)
To use the Personal Oracle database on Windows 98 with client utilities like SQL*Plus or Oracle Developer, you must log onto the database using a user name, password, and connect string. In some applications, the connect string is called a host string or database.
A connect string is a text string that is used to route data requests to the correct Oracle database. The connect string is associated with information about the database. The association between the database and the connect string is created in a configuration file named tnsnames.ora. Every Oracle Home directory has a separate tnsnames.ora file. This is a text file that can be modified using a text editor like Notepad.
Before you can connect to the database from a client utility,
you must first create a connect string in the tnsnames.ora files in the Developer Home directory on your computer.
To create a connect string in the tnsnames.ora file:
Start Notepad, and open the C:\Oracle\Oradev\Net80\Admin\tnsnames.ora file. (Your drive letter might be different). This file contains several sample connect string entries for different network protocols. Place the insertion point at the bottom of the file, and type the following new connect string. This command must appear exactly as shown.
PO8 =
(PROGRAM = oracle80)
(ARGV0 = oracle80ORCL)
Save the file, and then exit Notepad.
Connecting from the Client Applications to the Personal Oracle Database (Windows 98) To connect to SQL*Plus, and all of the Developer utilities, you log onto the database using the default account named system, which has the password manager. You will enter po8 for the connect string.
Now you will start SQL*Plus, and connect to the Personal Oracle database.
To start SQL*Plus and connect to the Personal Oracle database:
Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to Oracle for Windows 95 – DEVELOPER_HOME, and click SQL Plus 8.0.
The Log On dialog box opens.
Type system for the User Name, manager for the Password, type po8 for the Host String, and then click OK. The SQL> prompt appears.
Close SQL*Plus.
Next, you will check to confirm that Form Builder can connect to the Personal Oracle database. (If Form Builder can connect to the database, then the other Developer utilities will be able to connect also.) First, you will start Form Builder, and then connect using the user name system, password manager, and po8 for the connect string.
To confirm that Form Builder can connect to the database:
Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to Oracle Forms 6i – DEVELOPER_HOME, and click Form Builder. The Welcome to the Form Builder dialog box opens.
Click the Build a new form manually option button, and then
click OK. The Object Navigator window is displayed.
Click File on the menu bar, and then click Connect. The
Connect dialog box opens.
Type system for the User Name, manager for the Password, po8 for the Database, and then click Connect. If no error message appears, then you have successfully connected to the database.
Exit Form Builder.
Shutting Down the Personal Oracle Database (Windows 98)
Even when you are not working in one of the Oracle client utilities, the Personal Oracle database is still running on your computer and using memory and system resources until you explicitly shut it down.
To shut down the Personal Oracle database:
Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to Oracle – PERSONAL_ORACLE, point to Database Administration, and click Stop Database. The Oracle8i Shutdown dialog box opens. When the "Oracle8i database is shutdown" message appears, click OK. Note that the database icon no longer appears in the lower right corner of your taskbar.
TIP: Another way to shut down the Personal Oracle database is to right-click the database icon on the taskbar, and then click Stop Database.
Using the Personal Oracle Database (Windows 98)
When you use the Personal Oracle database with Oracle client products on Windows 98, you must always start the Personal Oracle database first. Therefore, when you use the Oracle utilities on your computer on a daily basis, always perform the following operations in the order specified:
Start the Personal Oracle database.
Start the client utility that you wish to use (SQL*Plus, Form Builder, Report Builder, Graphics Builder, and so forth).
Log onto the Personal Oracle database using the user name system, password manager, connect string po8.
Installing and Using the Personal Oracle 8i Database on Windows NT and 2000 Computers
In the Personal Oracle software for Windows NT and 2000, you install the Developer tools first, and the Personal Oracle database second.
Installing Developer 6/6i (Windows NT/2000)
The first step is to install the Oracle Developer client applications, which are the client applications used to create queries and user applications. This is a two-step process: first you install Form Builder, and then you install Report Builder.
To install Form Builder:
Insert the Oracle Developer 6/6i CD in the CD-ROM drive on your computer. The Oracle Installer program starts. This is the program that is used to install all Oracle products. The Oracle Installation Settings dialog box opens.
HELP? If the Oracle Installer does not start automatically, start Windows Explorer, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and double-click the setup.exe file.
Accept the existing Company Name.
Change the Oracle Home Name to DEVELOPER_HOME, the default Oracle Home directory to C:\Oracle\ORADEV, and then click OK. This will be the Developer Home directory.
TIP: If the drive letter where you have 600 MB of free disk space is different than C, type this drive letter instead.
When the Oracle Tools Installation Options dialog box opens, make sure the Oracle Forms Developer option button is selected, and then click OK.
When the Installation Options dialog box opens, make sure that the Typical option button is selected, and then click OK.
If the Test Forms Server Installation Options dialog box opens, select the No option button, and then click OK.
When the General Information dialog box opens, click OK.
When the System Support Files dialog box opens, click OK.
The Installing dialog box appears. The installation process will take several minutes.
When the Installation Successful dialog box opens, click OK. If the General Information dialog box opens, click OK. The Oracle Installer closes. Close all open windows.
To install Report Builder:
If necessary, insert the Oracle Developer 6/6i CD in the CD-ROM drive on your computer. The Oracle Installer program starts.
HELP? If the Oracle Installer does not start automatically, start Windows Explorer, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and double-click the setup.exe file.
Accept the current Company Name.
Accept the default Oracle Home settings (DEVELOPER_HOME for the Name, and C:\Oracle\ORADEV for the Location), and then click OK.
When the Oracle Tools Installation dialog box opens, select the Oracle Reports Developer option button, and then click OK.
When the Installation Options dialog box opens, make sure that the Typical option button is selected, and then click OK.
If the Test Reports Server Installation Option dialog box opens, select the No option button, and then click OK.
The Installing dialog box appears. The installation process will take several minutes.
When the Installation Successful dialog box appears, click OK. If necessary, close all open windows.
Installing the Personal Oracle Database (Windows NT/2000)
To run Personal Oracle on a Windows NT/2000 computer, you will install the Personal Oracle8i 8.1.7 database.
To install the Personal Oracle database (Windows NT/2000):
Insert the Personal Oracle8i 8.1.7 CD in your CD-ROM drive. The Oracle8i Personal Edition dialog box opens.
HELP? If the program does not automatically start, start Windows Explorer, navigate to your CD-ROM drive and run setup.exe on the CD.
Click Install/Deinstall Products. The Oracle Universal Installer dialog box opens. Click Next. The File Locations dialog box opens.
HELP? If the Next button is disabled, click Deinstall Products, and then click Close. The button should now be enabled.
Accept the default Source file entry. Change the Destination Name entry to DEFAULT_PO and the Path entry to C:\Oracle\ORAPO, and then click Next. The Loading Product Information window appears for a few moments.
TIP: If the drive letter where you have 800 MB of free disk space is different than C, type this drive letter instead.
When the Available Products page appears, click the Oracle8i Personal Edition option button, and then click Next.
HELP? If a Warning page displays stating that you do not have enough RAM, click Cancel, and get more memory.
When the Installation Types page appears, select the Minimal (591 MB) option button, and then click Next.
When the Select Starter Database page appears, make sure that the Yes option button is selected, and then click Next.
When the Database Identification page displays, type orcl.localhost for the Global Database name. ORCL appears for the SID. Click Next.
When the Summary page appears, click Install. The Install page appears. The installation process will take several minutes.
The Configuration Tools page appears. When the Net8 Configuration Assistant: Welcome page appears, check the Perform typical Configuration check box, and then click Next.
Several different dialog boxes, including the Configuration Tools page, display as the Installer configures the database connection information. When the Database creation completed dialog box displays, click OK.
The Configuration Tools page appears again. If necessary, click Next. When the End of Installation page displays and confirms that the installation was successful, click Exit, and then click Yes to confirm exiting.
Connecting from the Client Applications to the Personal Oracle Database (Windows NT/2000)
When you start your computer, the Personal Oracle database starts automatically, and is ready to accept data requests. In Windows NT/2000, you do not need to explicitly start the Personal Oracle database.
Now you will start SQL*Plus, and connect to the Personal Oracle database. When you first install an Oracle database, some default database administration accounts exist. You will log onto the database using the default account named system, which has the password manager. In SQL*Plus, you will leave the connect string blank, which automatically directs data requests to the local Personal Oracle database.
To start SQL*Plus and connect to the Personal Oracle database:
Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to Oracle for Windows NT – DEVELOPER_HOME, and then click SQL Plus. The Log On dialog box opens.
HELP? Your menu item might be simply be Oracle for Windows NT, and not include DEVELOPER_HOME.
Type system for the User Name, manager for the Password, leave the Host String blank, and then click OK. The SQL> prompt appears.
HELP? If the error message "ORA-01034: Oracle not available" and/or "ORA-27101: Shared memory realm does not exist" appear, it means that your Personal Oracle database was not started. To start the database, start Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Orapo\Bin folder, and double-click svrmgrl.exe to start the Server Manager utility. Type connect internal, and then type startup open; to start the database.
Close SQL*Plus.
Next, you will check to confirm that the Form Builder, Report Builder, and Graphics Builder Developer utilities can connect to the Personal Oracle database. (If these utitilties can connect to the database, then the other Developer utilities will be able to connect also.) When you log on to the Developer utilities, you omit the connect string, so the utility by default connects to the local (Personal Oracle) database. Now you will start Form Builder, and then connect using the user name system, password manager, and omit the connect string.
To confirm that Form Builder can connect to the database:
Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to Oracle Forms 6i, and click Form Builder. The Welcome to the Form Builder dialog box displays.
Click the Build a new form manually option button, and then click OK. The Object Navigator window opens.
Click File on the menu bar, and then click Connect. The Connect dialog box is displayed.
Type system for the User Name, manager for the Password, leave the Database text box blank, and then click Connect. If no error message appears, then you have successfully connected to the database.
Exit Form Builder.
Deinstalling the Oracle Products
If you need to remove the Oracle products from your computer, you should first deinstall all the products that you can using the Oracle Installer. After you have done that, you should delete any remaining files and folders from the Oracle Home folder where you installed the Oracle products. Then, you need to edit the system Registry to remove a few entries.
To edit the system Registry:
Click Start on the taskbar, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK. The Registry Editor window opens.
Open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder, open the SOFTWARE folder, select the ORACLE folder, and then press the Delete key to delete the ORACLE folder. Close the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder.
Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, open the SOFTWARE folder, select the ORACLE folder, and then press the Delete key to delete the ORACLE folder. Close the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder.
Click Edit on the menu bar, click Find, type the name of your Oracle Home folder, and then delete every that contains a reference to this folder. For example, if your Oracle Home folder is named "ORAPO", you will search for "ORAPO". BE CAREFUL TO NOT DELETE ANY OTHER ENTRIES WITH "Oracle" IN THEM, BECAUSE THIS WILL CAUSE OTHER PRODUCTS ON YOUR COMPUTER TO NOT WORK!
Repeat step 4 for all Oracle Home folders. You should have a separate Oracle Home folder for each product you installed. For example, you will have a separate Oracle Home for Developer and for Personal Oracle.
Close the Registry Editor.
Course Technology
[Edited by padmam on 10-27-2001 at 11:55 AM]
Attitude:Attack every problem with enthusiasam ...as if your survival depends upon it
Ok, Padmam.
I´ll p more attention.
WOOOW I've been too figure this out for ages..
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